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Jacobs Pov
it's saturday and me and y/n are the happiest we could ever be.
i'm supposed to pick y/n up today so we could go to zachs house to just hangout.
since it's just gonna be us 5, i'm dressing casual.

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i leave my room looking at the long board mirror in my kitchen.
jacob: i'm leaving, bye mom
jacobs mom: bye honey, text me when you're coming home tomorrow
she says, waving as she walks upstairs.
i check if i have my phone in my pocket and throw a peppermint into my mouth.

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y/n: so what do you think we'll do?
she says as i start the car again.
jacob: since it's just us, i think a couple games and then movies or something
i say, backing up and out of her drive through

y/n: oh
is all she says.

half way through the car ride, she starts talking again

y/n: so how was your day?
jacob: it was nice, now that you're here
i smile, resting my hand on her thigh
i feel her harden up her leg.
i put my hand closer up her thigh until i reach the top of her jeans.
i rest my hand in between her croch area and the top of her thigh

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we eventually reach his house. well, the house i've gone to for the past couple years.
i parked my car in the drive through, somehow making space.

y/n: are you sure this is his place?
she says, looking up at the massive house with lights and loud ass music coming out.

was it some sort of party?
there was atleast 50 cars on the street.

jacob: yup

y/n: i thought it was just gonna be us
she says, looking over to me.

jacob: let's see

i open the car door and so does she.
i lock my car and walk in with y/n.

A/N: hii!!

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