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Jacobs Pov

i wake up at some random time.
i look over to my clock and see 11:43am
holy shit. i was tired

i stretch myself on my bed and slide down it.
i drag my hands down my face, trying to wake myself up more.

i'm supposed to go zachs, i think i'll just talk to y/n about yesterday and hopefully she understands.

——— 🤘🏾 ———

jacob: bye mom
i shout, as i open the front door. heading outside
jacobs mom: bye honey, have a nice ti-
is all i hear after the door is shut
i walk over to my car and get in.
i look at the time on my car and see
good timing. i'll probably get there at like 5

like 10 minutes later..

i park my car on zachs driveway and knocked on his door

i heard somebody walk downstairs so i stepped back from the door
zach: hey
he says, opening the door.
jacob: hey
he moves aside, letting me walk in
jacob: am i the first?
zach: what?
he says, sounding confused as he shuts the door behind him
jacob: the first here?
zach: ohh
zach: yes. mark said he's coming later and y/bff said she was coming with mark
jacob: what about y/n?
i say, confused
zach: i don't know, haven't talked to her since like wednesday
he chuckles, walking towards the kitchen
jacob: oh
is all i could say.
i follow him to the kitchen and sit on the kitchen table
i take my phone out of my pocket and text y/n
jacob: hey
jacob: are you still coming?
jacob: y/n?
jacob: i can explain everything yesterday
jacob: i just need to talk to you
sent at 5:16pm

where is she?
she hasn't texted me, called me or even bother to come see me

——— 🤘🏾 ———

i was playing video games with zach when we hear the doorbell ring

zach: probably mark, y/bff and y/n
he says, putting down the bag of lays and his controller onto the bean bag
jacob: i wanna go to
i say,putting down my stuff onto my beanbag and dusting off my shirt. making sure i didn't have anything on my shirt or face
we walk downstairs and open the front door

all i saw was y/bff and mark

zach: yo guys
he says, giving mark a fist bumb
mark: wassup
he says, walking in
jacob: y/bff, where's y/n?
y/bff: she couldn't make it. she was sick
she frowns
jacob: wait really? she told you that
y/bff: yes
jacob: oh

was y/n actually sick? is that why she acted like that yesterday? because she was sick? she didn't feel good? it explains why she left but doesn't explain the way she acted. this is not right. y/n wouldn't just not come and not tell me because she's "sick"

i walk up to zachs room and get my stuff
mark: where are you going? we just got here
he says, putting his arm around y/bff
are they dating. oh god, i missed a lot of stuff
jacob: i need to talk to y/n
zach: she's just sick bro. chill out
jacob: she isn't just sick zach.
i say, putting my wallet into my jeans and grabbing my phone
y/bff: yes she is
she says, putting a lays chip into her mouth
jacob: we'll see
i give her a "you're wrong" look and walk out
jacob: see you guys monday
i shout, walking out the front door

i get into my car and sit in the front seat, taking out my phone to text y/n

jacob: where are you?
jacob: i know you aren't sick.
jacob: what's wrong?
jacob: y/n.
jacob: why are you being like this?
seen at 7:56pm
jacob: don't leave me on seen.
jacob: what's wrong.
jacob: i'm coming to your house
y/n: don't bother. i'm not home
jacob: where are you?
jacob: i'll pick you up
jacob: what happened.
y/n: you happened.
y/n: bye jacob.
jacob: y/n.
seen at 7:58pm

what did i even do?

A/N: what should happen next?

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