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Jacobs Pov
i needed to tell her how much she means to me. how much i cried the past week because i felt so hurt. so betrayed. i felt worthless. yeah yeah, we aren't dating but i love her. this is all just stupid.
jacob: y/n, when i met you. oh gosh, when i met you. i knew i loved you. i knew since the day i saw you that i wanted you. i needed you. i had to have you. here we are now, almost 8 years later and i still love you. y/n, will you be mine?
y/n: j-j.. jacob. of course.
she says, shocked but happy.
a huge smile appears on my face
jacob: i love you
i hug her.
it was warm.
it was actually the best hug i've ever had in my life.
it was a hug from the best person i could ever imagine to be with.
gosh, i smile even thinking of her.

——— 🤘🏾 ———

A/N: when i put that^^ it means that it's in a different point of the story if your confused lmao

Your Pov
me and jacob hung out for the rest of the day. i eventually went home and he went to his house. it's crazy to think that he's now my boyfriend. oh yeah and, i did tell y/bff.
she freaked haha

it's now 1:30am and i can't sleep. after everything that happened today, who could sleep?
yeah, i do have school tomorrow but whatever.
i go on my phone and text jacob. i doubt he's awake but let's see
y/n: hey babbeeee :))
he answers almost immediately
jacob: y/n? you're awake, it's 1. go to bed babee
y/n: who could go to sleep after what happened today, i miss youuu :(
jacob: i miss you too :(
y/n: i have to be up in less than 7 hours and i'm going to be so freaking tired
jacob: how about we skip :)
y/n: since when is the jacob sartorius a bad boy? mhm
jacob: c'mon y/n. one day :)
y/n: if you say so 🤷‍♀️
jacob: you're such a weirdo
y/n: i'm offended :o
jacob: i love youu
y/n: i love you too :) ❤️
wow, he's so cute. like actually so fucking adorable.
y/n: && you should come to mine tmrw morning, my mom and dad will be at work all day tmrw :)
jacob: oo okay :)
y/n: love ya, im gonna try and sleep now. goodnight babe ❤️
jacob: gn cutie ily ❤️

it's weird calling jacob my babe. after all these years of being friends. i can officially call him mine. jacob sartorius. the kid i've never stopped loving. sounds, amazing.

i turn off my phone and stare up into my ceiling. i look up at my glowing stars.
the stars i made my dad put up when i was 7 because i was scared to sleep without some sort of light.
9 years later and i haven't taken them off.
i don't think i ever will.
they make me feel safe.
yeah, glowing stars make me feel safe
the next thing i know. my eyes close, drifting me off to sleep.

——— 🤘🏾 ———

beep beep beep

nooo, not my alarm.
i open my eyes and look around my room.
i look at my nightstand and look at my alarm
7:56am. well, i wouldn't even make it on time to school so who cares.
i turn my alarm off and fall back asleep.

like 40 minutes later idek...

*click* *click*
i thought i fucking turned off my alarm.
i look over to my alarm and see it just giving the time. no sound?
what the-
where's that sound coming from?
i look over to my window to see rocks being thrown at it.
i get up from my bed and look out my window
jacobs standing there. throwing tiny rocks at my window.
he see's me and smiles.
i open the window
y/n: what are you doing
i shout with a giggle afterwords.
jacob: it's like 8:30, get up silly.
he says, still looking up at me with a huge smile on his face
y/n: i'm tired
i groan.
jacob: open the door for me
he says, pointing at the door.
i look at myself in the mirror.
messy hair and a tank top with loose shorts.
i put my hair in a ponytail for now and walk downstairs.
i open the door for jacob and let him in.
jacob: you look adorable
he says smiling as he leans in for a hug
y/n: i really don't. you woke my up from my beauty sleep you doofus
i playfully push his arms away
jacob: somebody's moody
he playfully rolls his eyes as she puts his hands in his hips like a sassy girl would do
y/n: you're so goofy
i playfully push his shoulder
he falls to the floor
jacob: i've been attacked
he says as he starts shaking while still on the floor
y/n: jacob
i laugh
jacob: i missed you okay
he giggles and gets up to hug me. this time, i let him hug me and hug back.
y/n: you should have called me before you came
jacob: i called you like 10 times, what do you mean?
he laughs
y/n: never mind. my bad
i giggle. grabbing his arm, making him follow me upstairs to my room.
i open my bedroom door and let him choose where to sit.
he sits at my makeup desk chair thing and starts looking at everything
y/n: i need to get ready so just do anything
i laugh
he looks back at me and smiles.
i walk over to my bathroom and do my business and everything.
i then walk out to my closet which was in my bathroom and choose an outfit.
i pick out some denim jean shorts and a white crop top that says "love is love". i change into that and walk back into my bedroom.
i see jacob still at my makeup desk on his phone.
y/n: hey
i say, getting closer to him.
jacob: oh hey
he says, putting his phone into his pocket.
he looks at me, checking me out. i didn't mind it considering he was my boyfriend. i found it.. cute
jacob: you look beautiful
he smiles
y/n: thank you
i smile back
jacob: so what do you plan on doing today?
he says, getting up.
y/n: we should..
he puts his hand on my hips, causing my breath to hitch
y/n: um.. i don't know. what do you wanna do?
i say, as i lost my train of thought.
jacob: we should.. go to the movies or something.
he whispers, making his voice quieter as he reaches my face. slowly.
y/n: yeah
is all i could say. he had me in some sort of phrase.
he makes his lips onto mine and kisses me, passionately.
jacob: jump..
he says, i jump and he catches me.
i wrap my legs around his waist as we kiss
he pushes me to the wall for better hold of me
he moves from my lips to my jawline.
i move my head upwards so he could have more room
he moved down from my jawline to my neck, giving wett kisses.
he finds my sweet spot, causing me to quietly moan.
he looks at me and smirks.
he continues what he was doing but more aggressive.
i'm most positive he left a row of hickeys on my neck but honestly, i don't care.
he moves back up to my lips and kisses me.
i couldn't help but smile between the kiss
jacob: i love you
he says, stopping the kiss. looking me straight in the eye.
y/n: i love you more
i give him a kiss.

A/N: 1,318 WORDS FOR YA ;)

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