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Jacobs Pov
i drove to her house and parked on the side of the road.
i got my phone out and texted
jacob: i'm waiting, i'm outside.
y/n: keep waiting. i already told you i'm not home
jacob: y/n. why are you mad at me?
y/n: are you actually serious?
jacob: yes. this is breaking me.
i say, looking up at her house for a brief second then back at my phone
y/n: meet me at frozen yogurt place in 10 minutes.
jacob: on my way.

i turn on my car, making it roar back to life.

i make my way to the frozen yogurt shop and park my car in a parking space.
i get out, locking it behind me.
i see somebody sitting at the front, their head resting on there hand which was making her look down at her phone
as soon as i get closer, i see its y/n.

i walk into the store/shop which causes the ding to go off.

( you know how some stores make the ding sound right when you walk in? that's how it sounds)

the ding goes off, causing y/n to look back.
she glances at me for a second then back at her phone

i sit in front of her, trying to make eye contact with her but i couldn't. she was looking at her phone

i slide the phone towards where i am and slide it under the table and onto my lap

y/n: what.
she says, as serious as possible
jacob: i'm tired of you ignoring me like this.
y/n: you shouldn't have done it then.
jacob: i don't even know what i did. i was waiting for like 4 hours for you at zachs place because i thought you were going. you never came and i gave up. i was worried sick
i say, almost shouting at her
y/n: you were looking at some fucking girls ass while we were together.
jacob: was not!
i shout
y/n: yes you were. i fucking saw you jacob.
she says, getting up
i grab her wrist and pull her outside
( he wasn't doing it harshly, he was just like taking her outside just not in a bad way if ya kno what i mean)
y/n: let go you ass.
she shouts, pulling her wrist from my grip
(they were already outside)
jacob: y/n. please believe me. i didn't do that. i would never do that. i'd never look at somebody else while with you or without you. you're the only one, i swear.
i say, looking her straight in the eye. almost balling out
y/n: stop lying.
she says, trying to walk away from me but i grabbed her
jacob: yesterday, i got all of my shit stolen. i had my keys, my wallet with all of my money and other information and some other stuff. i had to walk home by myself at like 8:30 and was so tired. i couldn't even call an uber because my fucking phone died. i'm sorry that you think i'd cheat on you but i would never. please please forgive me.

she didn't respond with a word. all i could feel was her slamming into me. wrapping her arms around my waist.
i hug her back and pick her up, taking us to my car.

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