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Your Pov

oh yeah, jacob.

jacobs my best friend, i've known him since well, as long as i can remember.

he's always been a huge part of my life and i would never trade him for anything.


i walk down the hall and look for my world history class.

i find it and knock on the door.

my teacher opens it and i hand her my tardy note

everyone looks at me as if i killed somebody, well this isn't awkward at all. yea, that's sarcasm.

i give everybody dirty looks that's staring and sit in my seat.

i sit at the very back of the class, where jacob sits.

me and jacob are partners for everything in this class

i only have 3 classes with jacob.

world history, art/sculpture making and math

jacob: why were you late today?

he asks as he turns his head to face me

y/n: i turned my alarm off and then forgot to wake up

jacob: right

he laughs then looks back to the teacher

to be honest, i've always had feelings for jacob. i've just never had the courage to tell him because i wouldn't want to ruin our friendship

me and jacob talk for the whole class period then it ends.

i have lunch as my next period

y/bff: dude y/n!

i turn around as i finish putting my textbook into my locker

hold on, let me tell you about y/bff

y/bff is the same as jacob.

i've known her for as long as i remember and wouldn't trader her for anything.

y/n: y/bff, what's up?
y/bff: zach just asked me if i was single

she says, as my claps her hands together with excitement

y/n: he obviously likes you

i say, pushing my hair back

y/bff: do you think?

she says, with a huge smile on her face

y/n: i'm sure

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