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Your Pov

we get to the frozen yogurt place and we order our yogurt
jacob: lets sit at that table
he says, pointing at a two seat table across the shop/restaurant thing
y/n: okay, i'll go save the spots
jacob: okay, i'll get our yogurt
y/n: okay
i say, as i walk away from him and towards the table

i sit at the table and go on my phone

"@charlesgitnick: hey babeee ;))) "

oh no.
not charles.
not charles, not right now.

charles is the biggest fuckboy of all time.
yeah, he's the kid that goes from one girl to another in a span of a week.
i guess you could say we had a think in 8th grade but that was way back then.
i do not like him, i will never like him.

i shut off my phone, not opening charles message and looking over to jacob.

he was standing close to the cash register, his head down, looking at his phone.

i couldnt bother but check him out.

my eyes landed on his lips first.
soft, plump lips.
down to his arms, you could see his slightly noticeable biceps.
and down to his hands.
the hands i would hold when we would take long walks in the park.
one hand, resting on the side of his body, and the other holding his phone.
sliding down every couple seconds.

i couldn't bother but notice the bulge growing in his jeans.

i looked up back to his eyes to see him staring at a girl sitting with her friend across the room from where i was.
it wasn't very hard to notice that the girl he was staring at, would glance at jacob then back at her friend and giggle.

was she causing that bulge in jacobs jeans?

i notice jacobs eyes, look her up and down and stop at her ass.

the girl was wearing the shortest fucking shorts i've ever seen. i would for a fact, not leave my house in those short ass shorts.

i watch him as he looks back at me, i look back at my phone, as fast as i could. making sure he didn't see me looking at him.

i watch him turn back from the corner of my eye and get our frozen yogurt.
it hurt me to see jacob look at somebody the same way he looked at me. it made my heart ache.

he walks over to the chair in front of me and sits down. handing me my yogurt.

jacob: hey
he smiles

i look up to him and manage to whisper out a "hi"

jacob: so, how has your day gone so far?
he says, as he scoops out some yogurt with a spoon from the small little cup

y/n: great... so great
i say, sarcastically. making sure he knew it was sarcasm

jacob: uhm.. okay
he says, giving me a confused look

i watch as he glances at the girl he was looking at before.

he looks back at his yogurt, trying to hide the fact he's smiling. but i knew it wasn't because of me.
the smile i wish was because of me, wasn't.
he was smiling at that fucking girl.

y/n: can you not.
i manage to say. slightly regretting it afterword.

jacob: what?
he says, giving me a confused look

y/n: whatever.
i say, getting up and walking to the exit.
throwing my yogurt in the trash, on the way out.

i watch as he gets up, shortly after but soon getting stopped by the girl.

i wanted to turn around and slap the fuck out of them both but i didn't.
i just kept walking.

i kept walking until i didn't know where i was walking too.
i turned around, hoping he was walking behind me, but he wasn't.
he wasn't running after me like you would usually imagine to happen.

——– 🤘🏾 ———

i got home with no messages nor calls from jacob.

i was hoping he would call me but he didn't.

hours after hours past and still no call.

i wanted to pick up my phone and call him to tell him how big of a asshole he was but i didn't.
did he really just forget about me?

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