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Your Pov

its now saturday, i'm supposed to go to zachs place to hangout with the rest of the "squad" but decided not to go.
if jacob doesn't want to talk to me or see me. what's the point of going?

i didn't go and just stayed home all day

Jacobs Pov

i got up to run after y/n, she got up upset for some reason.
while i was going to talk to her, some girl came up to me, trying to hug me.

i didn't know who she was or what she was doing so i was shocked.

i tried pushing her away from me but her grip got tighter.
some other girl from another table, came back to me and got my wallet, which was containing my keys, money and a couple of other stuff.

jacob: what the hell
i shout at the girl, carrying my wallet, trying to take it away from her but then being pushed by another person.

who are these people?

they all run out of the shop, not looking back. leaving what they had in the shop

did i seriously just get like mugged?
well, i don't have my keys, wallet or..

my phone. where's my phone

i touch my jean pockets, trying to look for my phone

luckily, they didn't take my phone.
it was tucked in my front pockets, thank god.

but.. i need my keys to my car. fuck.
i get my phone out and start to text y/n

"hey, i got like mugged by some girls, they took my wallet and my ke"

and then it shut off.

i try and turn it back on by holding the turn on button like you'd usually do if it shut fully off, but all it showed me was the dead battery sign

what the hell am i supposed to do now?
i walk out of the shop, still trying to turn on my phone

i whisper "fuck" to myself, being as upset as i was. i hoped nobody heard me.

i guess i have to walk my way home.

but what was with y/n?

——— 🤘🏾 ———

i get to my house atleast an hour later.
i immediately run up to my room and put my phone to charge.
i look over to my clock and see "9:37pm"
did i really take that long?

i leave my phone charging, and drift off to sleep.

A/N: gimme ideas, WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT? oh and, jacobs pov is from the day earlier, so it's not the day zachs hangout thing is

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