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Your Pov

jacob: i hope this doesn't change anything
y/n: it would never
jacob: i just needed to get it off of my chest for the longest time
y/n: you know y/bff told me but i didn't believe her
jacob: she what?
he says, shocked and upset
y/n: i thought you would never like a girl like me, i mean. who would?
jacob: don't say that, you're beautiful and perfect
y/n: thank you
i say, hugging him
jacob: can we meet up at my house tomorrow after school
y/n: id have to ask my parents
jacob: okay

just then, i feel a drop of water fall onto my arm

jacob: uh oh
y/n: you felt it to
jacob: yes, we should probably head home, we don't want to catch rain haha
y/n: yea probably true
i giggle
he walks next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder

finnaly happened. the thing i wanted most to happen, it happened. i feel safe. loved. happy

we walks me to my house and i say bye

i walk into my house and look at my mom
she looks upset

y/n: what happened?
y/m: please sit down
y/n: what's wrong?
y/m: y/n, i don't know how to tell you this

A/N: what should be the bad news? i need ideas 😂💀

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