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Jacobs Pov

i'll admit. i did do something in that closet with that girl.
we started off by getting to know each other because well, i thought we weren't gonna do anything because well, y/n is my girlfriend.
her name is amanda.
and no. i didn't make the first move. she did. i tried pulling back but, she didnt let me. it was pretty intense.

we started off by just talking but she kept getting closer.
after every word. i'd feel her scoot closer and closer.
it got to the point where she was literally on my lap.
she put her legs over my waist and well, she kissed me.

i tried pulling back but it was no use.
i ended up kissing back and it got very heated.

but i don't think you wanna hear the whole story about what happened in that tiny closet.

after the 7 minutes ended, we got out looking all messy. she took me into a spare room and we started to make out.
i didn't feel anything throughout it all.
no sparks.
no feelings.
it wasn't like y/n and i.
i was initially going to just go into the closet and we just talk so i could get it over with because well, i'm not gonna be the party buzz kill.

yeah yeah, now that i think of it. why didn't i just go home with y/n. i made such a stupid decision in such a small span of time.
and yes, we were at a party. which means
drugs and alcohol. underage drinking.

and yes. me being me, i couldn't help myself. i drank atleast 4 shots and felt a bit, loopy.
this wasn't all meant to happen.
it honestly just did.

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