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Your Pov
y/n: one of the craziest dreams yet.
y/bff: that was so weird. jacob would never cheat aha.
y/n: right. it's probably because i'm so nervous about tomorrow. mark is such a weirdo
i giggle
y/bff: you'll be fine aha. it'll just be the gang

she says, acting like a mom as she lightly pushes my shoulder

A/N: if youre confused, that party thing was just y/n's dream. it hasn't happened yet, she was just telling y/bff her dream... only the party part where jacob "cheates" on her or whatever. the mark and jacob part was true where jacob thought y/n liked mark and stuff

y/n: aha, true. i'm probably just worried for nothing

just after i say that, my phone rings

"silly goose 😛❤️ is calling..."

y/n: it's jacob
i smile at her
y/bff: i'll let you take that, find me in the kitchen if ya need me
she says, getting up from my dresser chair with the soda cup in her hand

y/n: thanks
i whisper at her before answering the call


y/n: hey babe
i say, excited he called me
jacob: what's uppp
y/n: nothing, just chilling with y/bff n stuff. how about you?
jacob: awww man, i wanted to hang with you tonight
i hear him lightly groan
y/n: maybe later
jacob: okay, call me when i can come over
he says, i could her him get excited
y/n: okay, got to go. bye babe
i say, giggling through my words.
jacob: bye cutiee
he says, making the "E" longer then it is

*end call*

just after, y/bff walks in

y/bff: so when are you guys gonna hang out
y/n: well, he wanted to come over today but i said later
y/bff: you know i'm leaving in like 30 minutes, right?
y/n: wait what
i laugh slightly
y/bff: i have dance practice at 4
y/n: it's 2:45, y/bff
i giggle
y/bff: did you forget my brother has soccer practice at 3:30?
she chuckles
y/n: right right
i giggle, getting up from my bed and onto my makeup desk
y/bff: so...
y/n: what's up
i say, taking out my foundation from my little cabinet
y/bff: mark and i sort, well. hooked up
y/n: you what
i say, putting down my beauty blender and looking at her, jaw dropped

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