One summer (Matthew espinosa)

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Gabby's POV

Hello, my name is Gabriella or gabby for short. I live in Woodbridge Va and attend mountain creek high school. I'm 15 years old and turning 16 in 4 days. I used to have this friend name Matthew Espinosa. Yea you heard me Matthew Espinosa, the vine famous dude who does Magcon tour. We meet in first grade and began to be bestie. And I develop a huge crush on him ever since. But when we got to high school he never talked to me again. But he talked to today. I was with my friend Mariah by the lockers and said our goodbyes

"Have a great summer gabby!" She said

"You too!" I said and hugged her goodbye

"FaceTime me everyday" she said and went to her direction

"Ok!" I yelled back

I closed my locker and grab my backpack from the hallway floor. I left the school and turned left were my house was.

Me and Matthew live on the same block and today we finally had a conversation. I was walking until I heard somebody call my name

"Gabriella" I heard somebody said

I turn to see him




"Hey Matthew" I sad looking straight

" I wanna say sorry" Matthew said

"For what" I said looking him in the eye

"For ditching you in high school" He said rubbing his neck

"But why did you do it" i said turning to our block

"They convince me to not to hang out with you, and I fell for it" Mathew said looking down

"It's ok matt" i said putting my arm on his shoulder

We turned up to my house and said our goodbyes

"Wait can I have your number" Matthew asked

"Sure" I said and smiled

I grab his phone and put my number on his phone while he did the same to mines.

"I will text you tonight" He said

"Oh ok" I said and went inside my house and saw my older sister Isabelle looking at me

"You and Matthew huh?" She said

"No, we Just talked" I said and grab an apple

"He likes you" she said

"Matthew likes me? Ok now you are lying" I said

"I'm serious, he was talking about it at lunch and week ago and said he wants to be friends with you again" she said

"Really?" I said

"He really likes you" she said

"I'm going to take a shower" I said and headed up stairs

I striped off my clothes and hop on a warm shower. I shaved my legs and underarms and washed my hair. I blow dry my hair which made my hair straight. I put in in a nice bun and put on my Minnie Mouse pajamas. That's when my phone vibrated.

Matty🐷:Hey gabby it's Matthew

Me: Hey matty what's up?

Matty🐷:nothing much just eating ice cream

Me: let me guess, rocky road?

Matty🐷: you still remember?

Me: oh course I remember

Matty🐷: can I ask you something?

Me: sure what's up?

Matty🐷: you wanna come to the pool at my house?

Me: sure who else is going to be there

Matty🐷: Just you and me. I want to get to know you

Me: sure, what time?


Me: 12 got it. See you tomorrow!

Matty🐷: night

It's already the start of summer and it's Turing out perfect.

Hope you loved the first chapter of the book! I will try to update 3 times and day depending on my laziness

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now