Final Chapter

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Gabbys POV

"I'm pregnant?" I said

"Yes" The doctor said

"But I don't know why" I said

"Well did you have sex with anyone?" he asked

"Yes but we used protection" I said

"Well it might have broke" he said

"Oh ok thanks so telling me doctor" I said

"Alright have a good night" he said and left the room

I groaned and put my head on knee and cried softly and forgot that Shawn was in room

"Hey, it's going to be ok" he said

"No it won't, what will Nash say?" I asked

"Nash will understand I promise" Shawn said

"You really think so?" I said

"Promise" he said

I hugged Shawn tight and cried on his shoulder

"Hey let's surprise Nash back in North Carolina" Shawn said

"Really?" I said wiping my tears

"Yea let's go to the airport" Shawn said

He grab my hand as we went through the lobby of the hospital and walked inside our hotel to get our luggages. We walked inside a taxi and went to LGA airport and went to take the next plane to North Carolina.

Shawn gave me the window seat and as the plane went up into the sky and I doze off.


"Gabby we landed" Shawn said

"Finally that was a long flight" I said

"1 hour and 20 minutes?" he said

"Oh shut up" I said and walked out the plane.

We went into the baggage claim and stop and taxi to take us into the hotel the guys are staying at.

"Are you ready?" Shawn said

"Yea I'm nervous" I said

"Don't worry" Shawn said

We got in front of the hotel and payed the driver. we went to the front desk and ask for a room and asked for Nash hotel room.

"I will stay here for you" Shawn said

"Thanks" I said and went into the elevator

The elevator door opens and I walked to Nash room. I saw that his door was open so I put my ear against to door. I heard very nasty stuff.

I peeked inside and saw a girl on top of Nash getting naked.

"Your so beautiful" Nash said to her

"Not as hot as you are" she said back to him

Why is this happening to me

"I promise I will never hurt you" Nash said

Ok that really broke me down. I went inside quietly and pushed the lamp on the floor and got their attention

"Gabby" Nash said

I walked out the room and Nash followed me.

"Please let me explain I'm drunk" Nash said

"Please Nash leave me alone!" I said and closed the elevator door on his face

The door open and I saw Shawn and grab my luggage and left the hotel.

I went to the airport and went to Florida for a fresh new start for me and my baby.

Finally chapter😢 I'm doing a sequel yay!! It's called one last chance i will put the first chapter up on Friday! thanks for the support!😘

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