Chapter 7

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Gabbys POV

We ran as fast as we could. Lucky we got their just in time when they were about to annoce our names.

"Carter!"Bart yelled from the stage

Carter ran and hug some fans


He aslo ran and did a back flip


Taylor ran and picked up his shirt showing his abbs

'And a special youtuber, Gabby Kore's" Bart said

I walked on stage and fans screamed my name. Mahongany started playing "Your a jerk".

"You know the dance?" Carter asked

"Yea i do?" I said

Me, Carter, Hayes and Mahongany lined up and started doing to dance. They fan were screaming and taking videos of it. I went next to taylor and he said something in my ear

"Can you teach me the dance?" He asked

"Haha sure tomorrow?" I said

"That would be great" He said

"Ok guys, its time for the person meet and great so if you have the vip ticket please come on this line" Bart said

The group of girls lined up with posters and the camera's ready to take pictures. Hayes and Nash at table 1. Jacks in 2. Shawn and Jacob at 3. Matthew and carter and 4. Taylor and aaron at 5. And me and Mahongany at 6.

The girls were mostly having heart attacks when the got closer to the guys. Me and Mahongany had about 90 girls so far. Right now theres a little girl coming to us.

"Hi Gabby and Mahongany" She said

"Hi sweetie" I said

"Whats your name?" Mahongany asked

"Sarah" She said with a smile

"Thats a cute smile" I said

"Thank you!" She said

We sign her shirt and she went off to the next table. 

About 3 hours of meeting fans and stuff it was time to go back on stage and get the party going.

"Lets play games!" Nash said

"Wait! Everybody i have something to say" Matthew said

Matthew turns to me and looks me in the eyes and turns to nash and mouths something i couldnt hear

"Gabby? I love you" Matthew said

"I- Love you too" I said

"Haha You got pranked!" Nash yelled

Matthew startes laughing and tears start to form in my eye.

"I hate you matthew" I yelled

I ran out the stage and left the convention and went back up to my room.

Taylor's POV

"I hate you matthew!" Gabby Yelled

Everybody in the crowed yelled your a jerk matthew. I saw Gabby ran out the stage. I went to ran after her. When i got to the lobby i saw her getting in the elevator and pressed the floor number and slid on the glass wall. I ran to the elevators and waited for one to come down. 

The elevator door open and i ran inside and pressed floor 9. The elevator went up and  the doors open. I saw gabby walking down the hall.

"Gabby!" I yelled

She turned around with red puffy eyes and ran to me.

"Its ok" I said hugging her

"Why would he do that" She said between sobs

"I have no idea, Lets talk in my room"I said

I went to my room and open the door and sat on the floor.

"Why would matthew do that, in front of people" She said

"I dont know, but hes a jerk"I said

"How come?" She asked

"Because, Hes dating Dani when he kissed you, Your a beautiful girl" I said

"You think im beautiful? She said

"Yes you are" i said and wiped her tears away

Gabby looked at me in the eye and i leaned in closer and so did she. Our lips collided and her lips were soft and taste liked cherrys. She pulled me on to floor with out lips still locked. Her hands went through my hair and my hands went up her shirt. I picked her up and put her on the bed and grab a condom..

I think you know what happens next ;D


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One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now