Chapter 19

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Gabby POV

I was walking to who knows where until I bumped into somebody. I saw a bright blue eyes

"Hey gabby" Nash said pulling out his hand

"Hey Nash" I said holding his hand

"Where are you heading?" He asked

"Oh idk I just left the pool" I said

"Wanna come to my grandparents? My parents and Hayes and Cameron and their as well" Nash said

"Sure I wouldn't mind" I said

Nash grab my hand and we walked to his grandparents house. Nash knocked on the door and a old lady open the door.

"Hello Nash, and who is this young lady?" The lady asked

"Grandma this is gabby my friend" he said

"Hello, call me janet" she said

"Call me gabby" I said and laughed

"Come in" she said

Nash lead me to the living room and saw his parents, Cameron, Hayes and a little girl.

"Hey guys gabby is here" Nash said

"Hey gabby" Hayes said waving to me

Cameron went up to me.

"Do you gotta bae? Or nah?" He said

"I got a bae" I said hugging him

"Skylynn come here" Nash said holding a little girls arm

"Sky meet gabby" he said

"Hi Skylynn" I said

"Hello, wanna play hoursey!!" She said

"Aww sure" I said

Skylynn grab my hand and lead me to the backyard.

"How do I play?" I asked

"Just be a horse silly" she said

I went on my Hands and knee and did little horse nays and pretended to eat grass. Until Nash came in

"What the fuck" Nash said

I looked at him with my mouth covered in dirt

"Playing horsey" I said while giggling

"Come let me clean you up" Nash said

I followed Nash inside the kitchen and grab a wet towel and washed my face like a baby. I couldn't help but look at Nash eyes and how it sparkled like Edward from twilight

Wait what

"All done" he said

"Thanks" i said

"Um dinners ready" Nash said

"Oh ok" I said

I followed Nash into the dinning room and sat next to Skylynn and Nash

"How old are you sweety?" Nash mom asked

"16" I said

"Oh, so are you excited for Magcon?" She asked

"Very, I really enjoy it" I said

"You should cause I'm there" Cameron said

"Cam, stop being a perv" Nash dad said

Me and Hayes laughed and high five each other

"So are you dating anyone?" His mom asked

"Yes Taylor Caniff" I said

"Thanks a sham, Nash talked about you a lot" Hayes said

"No I don't!" Nash said back

I laughed and continued to eat my food.

After dinner we decided to watch the football game cause Hayes was dieing to watching it. Like literally dieing. He keep on making walrus noises and stuff

The game was to boring to I laid my head on Nash and sleep.


Hope you like the chapter! I updated Badboy so look on my profile to find it! Comment vote and share!

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now