Chapter 14

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Matthews POV

It has been 3 hours and it's 5 am. Gabby and Mariah are still in surgery and I'm really worried.

"Matthew you can go home and wash up" Gabbys mom said

"Are you sure?" I said

"Don't worry I will call you when she's out of surgery" she said

"Thank you" I said and walked out the waiting room

I walked Into the elevator and pressed floor 1. I got out the elevator and called my dad to come picked me up.

We got home and I took off my clothes and left my phone charging. I hoped in the shower and washed my hair with axe. I got out the shower and dried my hair with my towel.

I went to my closet and went to find something to wear. I deiced to wear Shorts with a Magcon shirt and black vans.

My phone vibrated and Kenny send me a message.

Kenny😎: Any words about gabby and Mariah?

Me: Nah I'm getting worried

Kenny😎: Me to bro. Wanna go by the diner and have something to eat while we wait for them to wake up?

Me: Yea I guess, meet you there in 20 minutes

I grab my phone and went downstairs and saw my brother in the couch.

"I'm going to the diner with Kenny" I said

"Alright bro be safe" He said

I grab my penny board and my house Keys and stroll down the street on Woodbridge. I saw children playing by the swings. A boy pushing the girl while the girls saying higher. I smiled and continued my way.

I passed by the school and stuck the middle finger at it. Oh how good I felt. I saw my friend and yelled

"Go glen coco" He yelled at me

I laughed and stop to give me a fist bump.

I continued to go to the diner and got there with Kenny waiting inside.

"Hey ken" I said

"Hey Matt"He said giving me a bro hug

"Let's eat I'm starving" I said

We settle in the booth and ordered egg omelets with orange juice.

"I know why they ran away" Kenny said

"Why then?" I asked

"Mariah's mom got a job in Canada and Gabbys dads in town" He said

"Gabbys dad? No way she hates him" I said

"I can see" he said

All of a sudden my phone flashed from a number

"Hello?" I said

"Matthew! Mariah and gabby are out of surgery" Her mom
said through the phone

"Omg I will be there soon!" I said and hung up

I turned to Kenny who was stuffing his face in his food

"They are out" I said

"Really!, let's go" he said

We ran out the diner forgetting to pay and with the manager running after us.

We got to the hospital and went to the front desk.

"Hello, patient name please?" The lady asked

"Gabby Kores and Mariah Ascona" I said

"Floor 6 room 56" the lady said

We walked inside the elevator and pressed floor 6. We got out the elevator and saw Gabbys mom waiting outside the door.

"Are they ok?" I asked

"Yea, you can see them but Matthew gab-" she said but didn't finish the sentence cause I ran in the room.

I see mariah looking at me and Kenny smiling.

"Hey Mariah" I said giving her a hug

"Hey Matt" she said

She looked behind me and saw Kenny. Her face lit up and open her arms.

"Where's gabby?" I asked

"Over there" she pointed

I saw gabby playing with her phone and I ran to her hugging her. She didn't hug back.

"Gabby I missed you, I'm so sorry for leaving you" I said

"Matthew wait!" Gabbys mom yelled

I turned to gabby and her face is confused

"I'm sorry, who are you?" she asked

Hope you like the chapter! I'm writing this in the hospital cause my aunt have birth to a baby girl name Anabel! Yay!

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now