Chapter 18

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Gabbys POV

"I think I'm in love with you" he said

My heart drop and look at Matthew eyes.

"Matthew I think we should just be friends" I said

"What? Why" he said

" your dating dani and I'm dating Taylor" I said

"Taylor doesn't love you" Matthew snap


"What do you mean he doesn't love me?

"Taylor dates a lot of girls, and cheats on them. I don't want you to get hurt" he said

"Well I might be different from those girls" I said walking to the car

"I hope you are" Matthew said and slammed the car door shut


"Thanks Ms.Ascona for the trip!" I said waving to her

"Anytime honey!" She said and drove off

I open my front door and saw my mom watching House wife's.

"Hi mom" I said

"Hi hon had a good time?" She asked

"Yea I did" I said

"Well good, get to bed it's late" she said

"Yeah might as well" I said and kissed my mom in the cheek

I walked up stairs and went inside my room. I took my clothes off and put on my pajamas and cuddled in my bed while sleep took over my body.


I woke up with the sun light hitting my face. I went on my phone I saw that it was only 9 am. I got up my bed and went downstairs and saw Isabelle getting ready for her summer job.

"Good luck on the first day" I said and rub my eyes

"Thanks! See you tonight" she said and left the house

I went to the kitchen and grab pancake mix and bacon from the fridge.

I pour the pancake on the pan and cooked the bacon in another. After it was done I went to eat it and check my Instagram and twitter.

My phone vibrated on the table.

Mariah🍊: hey girl! Wanna go to the pool!

Me: yea sounds like a plan! What time?

Mariah🍊: meet me by the local pool in 30

Me: Kay!

I ran upstairs and grab my neon pink bathing suit. I put it on and put shorts and a tank top.

I grab my phone and my bag full of sun screen. I grab my house keys and left my house walking to the local pool.

I went inside and saw a few kids from school and Mariah waiting for me.

"Finally!" She said

"Lol what ever" I said

We jumped in the pool and did back flips under water and stuff.

I got out from the pool and saw Matthew and dani.


Matthew meet my eyes and looked at dani and pushed his lips onto hers. She also went along with it. Is Matthew trying to make me jealous?!

I grab my stuff and walked out the pool with footsteps following me. Someone grab my hand. I turned around to see Matthew

"What" I said

"Why did you run off?" He said

"Oh I don't know maybe because your trying to make me jealous!" I said

"Don't be! At least I'm around you instead of Taylor!" Matthew said

"I hate you Matthew" I said and tears filled my eyes.

I turned away and walk to a place.


Hope you like it! The next chapter or 2 will be interesting! I promise! Btw read my new book Badboy! Love ya😘😘

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now