Chapter 9

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Gabbys POV

Taylor dragged me outside to the board walk still holding my hand.

"Taylor, i dont like the beach" I said

"To bad, Cause you would love it when your with me" He said

We continued to walk at the boardwalk and got to the beach. The water was bright blue and the sand was white.

"Come to the water" Taylor said walking toward to water 

"Fine" I said

I walked toward the water and took off my shoes. I put my feet in the water and saw the fishes swam around me. I looked up and saw the bright blue sky and the sun shining.

"Its Beautiful right" Taylor said

"Yea it is" I said

Then I felt somebody pushed me into the water and my clothes were soaking wet.

"Taylor! You dick" I yelled

"I perfer cock" Taylor Joked

I got out of the water and grab sand in my hand and threw it in taylors face.

"It burns!!" Taylor said

"Haha To bad" I said

"Do u wanna build a snowman?" Taylor sang

"How about a sand castle?" I said

"Even better!" He said

We both sat down and grab as much sand as we can. Taylor grab a bucket of water and sea shells. We made a nice little tower and Taylor put a twig on top.

"Really a twig?" I said

"Why? its not girly" Taylor said

"No but.. never mind" I said

"Taylor wins" He said

We continued to build the sand castle till around 12.

"We better go back before magcon starts" Taylor said

"Yea we should, and i have to change" I said 

We left the beach and went on the boardwalk to go back to the hotel. We got to the hotel and went inside the glass elevator and went to the room.

"Im going to Cameron's room" Taylor said

"Kay" I said

I went into the bathroom and put the water into a nice temperature. I took off my clothes and hop in the shower. I scrub my body and hair to take the sand off and stuff. I left my hair went and put it in a nice bun. I got out of the shower and went to find different clothes to wear. I wore

.Black Skinny Jeans

.White top


.White Converse

I grab my room key and was headed down the hallway and head someone scream. I turned around to see mairah look down at the lobby.

"Mary whats wrong?" I asked

"Kenny is here!!" She yelled

I looked down at the lobby and saw kenny in the middle of the crowed smiling and holding flowers. Mairah Grab my hand and went inside the elevator to the lobby. When the door open she ran out and jumped in his arms.

"I miss you!!!!" She yelled

"Haha, Me to" He said and kissed her in the lips.

"Not to interrupt, but i have to go to magcon" I said

"Oh yea, go!" Mariah said

"You guys wanna come?" I asked

"Yess!" Mariah yelled and ran to the convention room

We got to the convention room and Mairah and Kenny stayed backstage. The DJ called my name up and i ran and saw the girls screaming and wanting a picture with me. Mahongany started playing One direction and the girls were singing along to it.

"Everybody i need a say something" Taylor said through the mic

The crowed when quiet

"Baby come through you deserves roundssssss" Taylor said

We all laughed and taylor grab my hand and lead me up the stage.

"I also need to say something" He said

Taylor looked at me and took a deep breath

"Gabby, would you go out with me?" He said


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