Chapter 12

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Gabbys POV

"Gabby wake up" I heard somebody saying

"I don't want to" I said

"We landed" I heard a voice said

I opened my eyes and see Mariah and Kenny looking at me.

"Come on" Mariah said

I got up from my seat and walked out the airport. I checked my phone saw it saw 6 pm. We walked to baggage claim and grab my luggage.

"My mom is picking us up" I said

"Yas! I don't do walking" Mariah

"Of course you don't" I said

My mom pulled up with my sister in the car.

"Hi mommy" I said and kissed her cheek

"Hi honey how was it" my mom said getting into the highway

"Good, I meet a boy" I said

"Name?" she asked

"Taylor Caniff" I said

"Just be careful" She said

"Don't worry i will" I said

We got to my house in 20 minutes and drop off Mariah and Kenny at their house.

"Mom can I go to dinner with Matthew and his family?" I said

"Sure honey just be back before 12" she said

I headed up to my Room and took out to my phone to text Matthew im coming in a hour.

Me: Be there in a bit

Matty🐷: Great! Dress casual

I went to my closet and pulled out something casual to wear. I wore

.Nash Shirt


.Black vans

I grab my phone and went downstairs and saw my mom cleaning.

"Bye mom" I said

"Don't stay there to long, someone is visiting" She said

"Ok" I said

I walked out the house and went around the block to Matthews house. I knocked on the front door and Matthew father opened the door.

"Hello gabby, come inside" He said

"Thank you" I said

I walked inside and went into the kitchen and saw ms.Espinosa making food.

"Hey Ms.Espinosa can I help?" I asked

"Sure, can you please set up the table?" She asked

"Sure" I said

I grab the table stuff and set it up on the table.

"Can I help?" I heard a voice say

I turned around to see Matthew.

"Sure" I said

Matthew helped me set up the table while his parents put the plates and food on the table.

We all sat down on the table and began to ate the food that they made which was pasta with oven baked chicken with garlic toast.

"So how was your first Magcon gabby?" Matthews dad asked

"It was very good, I hope to do it again" I said

"Me to, even with you" Matthew added

We all ate our food in silent and helped Matthews mom with the dishes. After that we sat in the living room and watch the hunger games.

I looked on my phone and saw it was 11.

"I have to go" I said

"Oh, thanks for coming" Matthew said

I walked out the house and made my way back to my house. I saw that the living lights were still on. I put my key in the key thing and turned it.

"I'm home mom" I said

"Good, come in the kitchen someone is here to see you" she said

I made my way to the kitchen and saw a man.

It was my father who left me


Sorry ifs it's not good! I might not update next week, I'm going to Florida and Disney world on Monday! Yay. Love ya!

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now