Chapter 21

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Gabbys POV

I ran as fast as I can. My legs felt weak and my eyes filled with tears. I gave up and sat in the middle of a meadow. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Leave me alone" I said

"Gabby it's just me" I heard a voice say

I turned around to see blue eyes.

"Nash" I said in a weak voice

He bent down and sat next to me.

"Taylor's an ass" Nash said

"I thought he loved me" I said and buried my head in my knees

"I'm here for you gabby" Nash said

I smiled and look at Nash.

Nash took the tip of his fingers and cleaned the tears off my face.

"Taylor doesn't deserved you" Nash said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Your smart, beautiful and don't deserved your heart to get broken" Nash said

"You think I'm beautiful?" I asked

Nash chuckled and answer

"You are beautiful, I mean in more then Taylor" He said

He locked our fingers together and stared at my eyes while I stared at his. He leaned in and our noses and forehead touches but not our lips. I felt our breathing and the warm crisp air around us.

Nash grab my head gently and leaned in and so did I. Our lips touched. After 5 seconds we broke apart.

"I wanted to do this for a while" Nash said

I smiled and got up

"Let's go get the others" I said

We walked about to the house to see Matthew and the others confused of what's happening.

"Why did you stormed off?" Bart asked

I was about to speak up until Nash beat me to it.

"Gabby went to see what was taking dani so long and saw dani and Taylor... You know.. Woohoo" Nash said

Bart eyes went wide open and stormed upstairs. A few seconds later we heard Bart yelling. Bart came downstairs with dani and Taylor both in clothes. Taylor looked at me and I felt the tears coming out. I turn back to Nash and buried my face onto his.

"Taylor and dani! What is wrong with you!" Bart yelled

"It just happened!" Taylor said

"And for you young lady" Bart said looking at dani

"Matthew keeps taking about gabby and didn't want to do it so me and Taylor hooked up after magcon. That's why Taylor wasn't with gabbys ass" she said and looked at me

Nash grab my hand so I wouldn't smack her but my hand went free and slap her in the face causing her to fall.

Nash held me back and dani moaned in pain.

"Dani, you are never going to come to magcon! Ever!" Bart yelled

"Whatever" she said and walked out the house

"And for you, you broke gabbys heart and you should be ashamed" Bart said to Taylor

"Sorry" Taylor said and looked at me

I looked away with hurt and betrayed in my eyes.

"I'm going home" I said

"Let me walk you" Nash said

I nodded

Me and Nash left the house in silence and walked through the city. In 30 minutes we got to the front of my house.

"Thanks, for cheering me up" I said

"Not a problem" Nash said

"Come inside" I said and open the door

Nash followed me inside my house.

"Where's your mom?" He asked

"Working" I said

I went upstairs and saw it only 6.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked

"Sure" Nash said

I went to my computer and went on net flicks and put on the movie white chicks.

Me and Nash went under the covers. Nash wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his shoulder.

We soon fell asleep in each other's arms


2 chapters in one day woohoo!!! :) comment vote and share with your friends. I did a double update cause I was suppose to update yesterday but I had my middle school prom so I did a double update for ya! Love ya! Xoxo~Jailene

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now