Chapter 16

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Gabbys POV

"Hello, I remember you" I said

"You do?" He said and his face lit up

"Yea! Your Taylor and we meet at Magcon about a month ago!"I said

He walked to be and hug me with his nose and nose and kissed my forehead.

"Can we walked around to city?" He said

"Yea sure" I said

We walked out my house and went down the block and saw Matthew with a girl.

"Hey Matthew" I said

"Hey gabby how are you feeling?" he asked

"I'm doing great"I said

"This is dani my girlfriend, incase you forgot" he said

"Hello, sorry about what happened" she said with a fake smile

Ok I think I remember this bitch

"It's fine"i said with a fake smile

"What are you guys off to?" Matthew asked

"A walk around the city" Taylor said

"Nice, can we join?" Matthew asked

"Sure" I said

We all went downtown and saw people handing out flyers and kids running around the block.

"Are you guys hungry?" Matthew asked

"I am" I said

"I know this great place called shake shack" he said

(Shake shack is a burger place in NYC were I live and it's amazing☺️)

We all went inside and waited to find an table to eat. Taylor and Matthew came back with a tray of burgers, Fries and milkshake

"Enjoy!" Matthew said as he dug in the food

"Baby slow down" Dani said

Sounds like a bitch too..

We all ate of food and silence and my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said

"Baby come home right now" I heard my mom said

"Um ok" I said

Taylor looked at me and smiled.

"Can you walk me home?" I said

"Sure" he said

Taylor grab my hand and we said bye to Matthew and dani. we got to my house in 25 minutes and I went to open the door when Taylor stopped me.

"Good night gabby" he said

"Night Taylor" I said and smiled

Taylor leaned in and kiss me on the cheek. But it was different from Matthews...


Sorry for the wait and short chapter! I been super busy with school and exit projects cause I'm graduating this year in middle school and I'm stress! I promise the next chapters will be longer and interesting!

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now