Chapter 26

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Gabby POV

I woke up in my hotel room and it was the 1st day of Magcon. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and let my hair out.

I walked back into the room and saw that Mariah was already gone. I went into my luggage and wore

.Black skater skirt

.Crop top

.Black vans

I grab my phone and open the door to see taylor

"Taylor?" I said

"Gabby I'm sorry about yesterday, Nash told me and I was drunk" he said in one breath

"It's fine" I Said

"In also want to say I'm sorry what I did with dani and i hope you and Nash last" he said

"Thanks taylor that means a lot to me" I said

"Anyway I better get going" Taylor said and walked to the elevator

I grab my room key and went to the stairs to go to Nash room. I knocked on the door and the door open in Hayes in his underwear

"Put clothes please" I said and walked past him

"Ugh I hate clothes" Hayes said

"But I do" I said

Nash came out the bathroom with his pants and shoes on but no shirt

"Hey babe" Nash said and gave me and kiss on the head

"Ewww" Hayes said

"Shut up, you don't have a girlfriend" Nash said

"I do!" Hayes said back

"What's her name?" Nash asked

"Food" Hayes said and put his clothes on

"Anyway let's get something quick to eat and go to Magcon." Nash said and held my hand

We walked his hotel room and went down to the lobby where they had IHOP.

"Table?" The man asked

"No a lamp for 3 please" Hayes said

I held in my laugh and the man looked at Hayes and ignored it. He led us to a table and saw Mariah and Kenny. When did he came.

"Would you like any drinks?" The waitress asked

"Orange juice" I said

"Pepsi" Hayes said

"Ice tea" Nash said

The waitress wrote it down and walked away and came back with our drinks

"Food?" She asked

We all asked what we wanted and waited for our food


We where backstage of the stages and heard the fans screaming our names. We all walked and waved to the fans and they saw Nash and my hand together.

"What happened to you and Taylor!" One shouted

"It didn't work out" I said

"Taylor's a cheater!" They all shouted

"Yes I am! And it regret it" taylor said

This is going to be a long day

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now