Chapter 20

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Gabbys POV

I woke up in a different bedroom. The room was filled in horses . I'm guessing I'm in skylynns room. I got up from the small twin bed and saw Skylynn sleeping.

I went to my phone and saw I have a text from my mom.

Mom👵: Honey where are you?

Me: Sleep over Nash grandparents house! Be their back home at 11 pm

I walked over to Skylynn and woke her up.

"Sky it's morning" i said

"Can we play horsey again?" She asked while getting up

"Sure Hun, but first let's brush our teeth" I said

We went out to the hallway and saw Nash parents.

"Hey gabby I'm leaving you some clothes in the bathroom to change and a tooth brush." Elizabeth said

"Thanks" I said

Skylynn went to the bathroom first and then was me.

I hoped in the shower and washed my hair, and clean my parts. I grab my towel and walked back into Skylynn room and saw the outfit her mom gave me.

I quickly blow dry my hair and left it out. I went to the outfit and put it on. It was

.Skater dress

.Red Vans

Nash mom has a very good sense of style. I went downstairs to see everybody eating.

"Morning" Nash said and flashed a smile and open a chair for me.

"Morning Nash" I said and blushed looking away

"I made pancakes with sausage" Elizabeth said

"That's fine thanks" I said

I grab 2 pancakes and 3 sausage and a glass of orange juice.

"So, we are heading to house were Bart is telling us the next Magcon tour" Nash said

"Oh, where's the house at?" I asked

"It's a 20 minutes drive" Cameron added

"So what time are we leaving?" I asked

"In about 2 hours, it's only 10" Nash said

"That means football practice" Hayes said and ran outside

"Wanna go penny boarding?" Nash asked

"Sure, I left mines at my house" I said

"No problem, you can borrow Hayes" Nash added

"You broke mines" Hayes said coming back in the house

"Oh right, we can share" Nash said

"That's fine" I said

We got up from the table and Nash went to get his penny board. We went outside and went to a hill.

I went in front of penny board and Nash behind me. Nash wrap his arms around my waist and held me tight.

"Is this fine?" Nash asked

"Yea it's fine" I said and bit my lip

Nash kicked his feet on the ground and the penny went down the hill. Nash swerved the board making us go about the block.

"Nash don't go to fast" I said closing my eyes

"Don't worry, I'm never letting you go" He said in my ear


"Ready to go to meet Bart?" Chad asked as he drove away from the house

"Yes" we all said

We drove past by my house and the city.

20 minutes later we pulled up of the drive way of the house.

Me,Hayes, Cameron and Nash walked in the house where Matthew and dani, Taylor, jacks and Aaron were waiting for us.

"You guys made it" Bart said

"Ok so what's the plan" Matthew said

"Well, I have a Nj, Tennessee and Orlando" Bart said

"New Jersey" Nash said

"It's closer to home" Matthew said

"True, so it's settled! Magcon Nj" Bart said

We had a few snacks and I couldn't help but dani keep on staring on Taylor.

"Hey babe" Taylor said and kissed me

"Hey" I said and kissed him back

"Excited for Magcon Nj?" He said

"Very" he said

Taylor looked back at dani and smiled

"I'm going to the bathroom" dani said and walked upstairs

"I need to call my mom" Taylor said and went upstairs

Well that was weird

A few minutes later dani or Taylor came downstairs

"Where are they?" Bart asked

"Let me check if dani is Alright" I said

I walked up stairs and saw the bathroom door was open. I saw one of the bed room door was open.

I peeked a little and couldn't believe my eyes.

Taylor and dani naked.

Tears formed in my eyes and I ran downstairs and left the house with someone following me.

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now