Chapter 15

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Matthew POV

"I'm sorry who are you?" She asked

I stood there shocked.

"Gabby, it's me Matthew? You friend" I said

"I'm so I don't recall" she said

"Don't do that Justin Bieber thing" I said

"Who's Justin bieber?" She said

Gabbys mom came over to me and pulled me on the side.

"Gabby lost some if her memories, it might take time for her to remember things" she said

"It's all my fault" I said

"No it's not" she said

"What if she won't remember me?" I said

"She will I promise" she said

"Can I have a few minutes alone?" I asked

"Sure, take the time that you need" she said

I walked inside the room and grab a chair to sit next to gabby.

"Hello" she said

"Hey" I said

"Can you tell me a few things about myself?" She asked

"Sure, um your full name is gabby lily Kores. Your 16 years old. You make youtube videos and we are neighbors." I said

"Oh, do I have a boyfriend?" She asked

"Yes, his name is Taylor Caniff" I said

"Do you have a picture if him?" She asked

I went on the phone and found a pic of me and Taylor and showed it to her. She took the phone from my hand and looked at it.

"He wears bandanas? She asked

"He Has a thing for them" I said

She swiped the phone to the left and her widen. I moved over next to her and see the picture of me and her the day she went to my house for the pool.

"That's me and you" I said

"Are we best friends?" She asked

"I guess you can say that" I said and held her hand

She smiled and locked our fingers together.

My phone rang I looked down to see the word bart flashed.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Matthew! I'm at your house with the rest of Magcon to discuss the next tour stop" he said

"Oh! I will be there in half a hour" I said

I hung up and turned to gabby.

"Hey, I have to go and discuss Magcon" I said

"What's duckgon?" She asked

"Magcon is when we go on tour to meet our fans, your part of it" I said

"Sounds fun" she said

"It is" I said

She smiled at me

"Well, I should get going" I said

"Bye Matthew" she said

I walked up to gabby and kissed her on the cheek and walked out the room.

Gabby POV

Matthew left the room and Mariah looked at me.

"What?" I said

"Matthew likes you." She said

"How you know" I said

"They day before we left for Magcon and days after we were attack.. Matthew took you out for dinner for your birthday and kissed you" she said

"I don't remember" I said

"You will" she said

Then my mom and a doctor came in my room and smiled.

"Well looks who's feeling better" the man said

"I guess I am" I said

"Well, looks like you can go home" he said

I got off the hospital and grab my phone and walked to my mother. She grab my hand and took me outside the hospital and into the car.

She drove us back home in 30 minutes. She opens the door and I saw a familiar face. The boy in the bandana.

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now