Chapter 5

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Gabbys POV

"This is dani,my girlfriend" Matthew said

Isabelle look at me,then dani,me,dani,me,dani. So basically going back and forth.

"Girlfriend?" Isabelle said

"Yea I know! I kept repeating it in my head" She said with a fake smile


"Hello,I'm Taylor" Taylor said taking out his arm

"Gabriella or gabby" I said shaking his hand

"That's a beautiful name" Taylor said

Taylor lead me to the guys and introduce me to them

"This is Cameron" he said

"Hello!" Cameron said




"Omg your eyes are so blue!" I said

" I know it runs in the family" Nash said



"Shawn and Jacob"

"Hello" they sang

I giggled and clap of how they sang

"Well,we better get to the hotel" Cameron said

Isabelle pulled me to the side away from the group.

"Didn't Matthew kissed you last night?" She said

"Yea" I said

"So how is she his girlfriend?" She said

" I have no idea, let's find out" I said

We all got Into the car. The guys took one car and the girls in another. I sat next to dani and smiled at her

"Hi I'm Gabriella or gabby" I said

"Hello, I'm dani" she said

"So,how long have you been dating Matthew?" I asked

"Since last night, around 9" she said

Huh, I came home a 8:30.. Slut

"Oh, how long you known Matthew" I asked

"A month or 2" she said

Isabelle and Mariah looked at each other and rolled there eyes.

We all got to the hotel in 50 minutes and took out our luggages from the trunk and went to the lobby.

"Welcome to sunny hotel, your names please" the lady asked

"Gabriella and Isabella Kore's." I said

"Ah yes, floor 11,room 1190" she said handing us the keys

"Thank you" Isabelle said and grab the keys

We went into the glass elevator with Taylor and Nash.

"You guys wanna grab food to eat?" Nash said holding Isabelle hand

"Sure" Isabelle said blushing

Ok then...

The elevator door ding and stopped at floor 11. We all got out and Taylor grab my hand.

"Meet us in the lobby in 20 minutes" He said and went to his room down the hall

We open our room revealing 2 queen size beds, flat screen tv, and a balcony.

" I want to stay here forever" Isabelle said

"Me to, let's get ready we have to meet the boys in 20 minutes" I said

"Kay!" She said

We put our luggages on the floor and grab our room keys and head down to then lobby. We went to the lobby and see Nash,Cameron,Taylor and Matthew are there

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey" they said

I turn to see Matthew looking at me and quickly turned around. We walked to a burger place and sat down. We all order some burgers and fries.

"So the first Magcon starts tomorrow" Nash said

"I'm so pumped to see all them botty" Cameron said

"Your nasty" Taylor said

"How about you, gabby? Are you excited" Matthew asked

" I guess" I said

"Wait, are you a youtuber? Gabby Kore's?" Nash said

"Yea, why?" I asked

"Your YouTube famous!" He said

"I guess i am" I said

"You never told me that" Matthew said

"Yea because you were to busy avoiding me" I said
I ran out the place and went back to the hotel. I ran back inside the elevator and hit the 11 floor button. The elevator door open and I ran out and slid on the wall with tears running down my face.

"Gabby?" I heard somebody said

I put my head up and saw Taylor.

"Yea?" I said

"Wanna talk about?" He said

"I guess" I said

I got up and Taylor put his arms around me and lead me to his room.

After a half and our of telling Taylor about what Matthew did to me, taylor understood

"I'm so sorry" he said

"Don't be" I said

"Wait, if he kissed you, why is he dating dani?" He said

"I don't know" I said

I looked at the time and saw it was 10:46 pm.

"You can sleep here if you want" Taylor said

"Is it ok with you" I said

"Yea" Taylor said

"I don't have pjs" I said

"My shirt" Taylor said.

He took off his shirt revealing his 6 pack. I turned away and bit my lip

"Here" he said passing me his shirt

" you need to get out the room" I said

"I seen tons of girl nude, I will cover my eyes" Taylor said and covers his eyes

I took of the shirt and pulled on Taylor's big shirt that reaches my knee. I pulled of my pants and put on Taylor gym shorts.

" you can open your eyes" I said

"You look good In my clothes" Taylor said

"Perv" I said and laughed

" I can sleep on the floor" taylor said

"Not its fine, we can share?" I said

"Um sure!" He said

We both fitted into one bed and I fell asleep with Taylor holding my waist.


Happy Easter! I will update every 2 days if I can

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now