Chapter 2

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Gabbys POV

I woke up with my phone buzzing. I moaned And the check the time.

11:10 flashed on my screen

"Shit" I mumbled

I quickly jump out of bed and took a nice hot bath and clean my self. I left my hair wet and put in a pony tail. I went back inside my room to find my blue polka dot bikini. I threw some sweat shorts and a American eagle shirt and vans.

I ran downstairs and saw the time was 11:30

"Might as well have something's to eat" I said

I went to the cabinet and found my strawberry pop tart. I put it in my toaster. Not knowing when it would pop, the toaster went click and I jump

"fucking jump scares!" I said and grab the poptart. I ate in in 4 minute and the clock said 11:56.

"Mom, I'm going over the Mathews!" I yelled from downstairs

"Ok, be safe!" She yelled back

I grab my iphone and my house keys and walked down the block to Matthews house. I smell the scent of hotdogs and hamburgers. I knocked on the front door and a lady open the door

"Hello, Ms.Espinosa" I said

"Hello, Gabriella, it's so nice to see you again" she said

"Thank you" I said

"Please come in" she said and open the door

"Thank you" I said

"Matthew is in the backyard" she said pointing to the backyard

I went out to the backyard and saw Matthews father making lunch and Matthew sitting down on his phone.

"You made it" he said hugging me

"Why wouldn't i come?" I said

"From the way I treated you" Matthew said

"It's ok Matty" I making him face me.

" Let's go to the pool" Matthew said

I took of my shorts and shirt and waited for Matthew. He took of his shirt and saw his abs.

Holy mother.

I bit my lips and turn away so Matthew couldn't see me blushing.

"Come on" He said and grab my had

"Wait, how deep is deep is the pool?" I asked

" 9 feet" He said

"9 feet?! Nigga I'm going to die" I said backing away

" I will hold you" He said

Matthew got in the pool and stayed near the edge and held out his hand. I grab it and he carefully pulled me inside the pool. I didn't feel the ground and I stared freaking out.

"Don't worry, I got" Matthew said and held my waist

His brown eyes were looking at mines while it sparkle in the sun light. I looked away and put my head down.

"Your beautiful Gabby" Matthew said putting my head up

I stared at his brown eyes. He put my hair behind my ear. We stared the lean in and i felt his breathing on my face. Our lips almost collied when Matthews older brother sprayed us with water guns.

"Dude, really?" Matthew said

"Yea really dude" His brother

"Are you ok" Matthew asked

"Yea I am" I said

"Hey kids, the food is ready" Mr.Espinosa said

We all got out of the pool and Matthew pulled a towel around me. We all sat outside patio and had cheeseburgers and fries.

"I really had fun" I said

"Me to"Matthew said putting his hands on top of mines

I smiled and took ones of his fries

"Hey! Get your own" Matthew said

I laughed and ate it in front of his face.

"My mom found old videos of us when we were kids" Matthew said

"I wanna see!" I said

"Fine" Matthew said.

He grab my hand and lead me to the living room. He put the disk in the DVD player. The first thing that pop out was me and Matthew playing the princess and the frog. We all laughed how Matthew threw a frog at me.

After 20 minutes of watching videos I looked at the time and it said 7 pm.

"I should get going" I said

"Oh yea, can we do this again?" Matthew asked

"I would loved that" I said

I left the house and heard for my house. I saw Isabelle on the couch with the laptop.

"Where were you?" She asked

"Matthew place" I said

"Doing what?" She said with her eyebrow going up

"Pool..." I said

"Oh, anything happened?" She said

"Uhhh" I said biting my lip

"Spill it!" She said

" We almost kissed" I said

"I knew it! #Gatthew!" She yelled around the house

"Whatever I'm going to bed" I said heading upstairs

I went to my room and change into my pajamas. I went on Instagram and saw that Matthew posted a picture of us in the pool and him holding my waist. The caption said "My princess❤️" I smiled and liked the picture.

I saw the comments some where nice when some wasn't. I didn't pay no mind. I cuddle up with my pillow and went to bed.

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now