Chapter 13

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Gabbys POV

"Dad" I said

"Hey honey" The man said

"What are you doing here" I asked

"I want to be apart of your lives" He said

"Well don't!" I yelled

"Gabriella! Don't talk to your father like that" my mom said

"You can't just come in and want to be in our lives! Just leave me alone" I said an went upstairs

I saw Isabelle coming out of her room confused

"What's going on" she asked

"Dad is here" I said and slammed my room door

I went to put my pajamas on an decide to FaceTime Mariah.

"Hello?" she said while crying

"May what's wrong?" I asked

"My mom got a job in Canada" she said through sobs

"What! Don't leave me" I said

"I want to take you, I'm going to miss you" she said

"Me to, also my dad is here so worst day ever" I said

"What?! Didn't he leave your mom for another women" she said

"Yea but now he's wants to be with us" I said

" dads" she said

"I'm just tired of everything" i said

"Sometimes I just want to runaway" She said

"That's a great idea!" I said

"What?" She asked

"Let's runaway!" I said

"Perfect! Meet me at my house" she said and hung up

I grab my book bag and filled it up with clothes and went downstairs to see my mom and dad.

"I'm going to Mariah's" I said and walked outside to Mariah's house.

I walked to the front door and saw Mariah waiting.

"Let's go" She said and we walked where ever the night takes us

We were walked in the ally and heard a voice.

"Little girls shouldn't be outside in the dark"

And that's when everything went dark.

Matthew POV

"Mathew! Gabby and Mariah are missing" Isabelle said

"What?" I said jumping up to my feet

"We have to find them" she said

"Ok let's go!" I said and grab my flashlight

We heard to the city and saw no trace of gabby and Mariah.

"Let's check the ally's?" Isabelle asked

We headed to the ally's and saw Mariah and gabby on the floor hardly breathing.

"Gabby" I yelled and ran to her while Isabelle ran to Mariah.

"I'm sorry gabby, for leaving you. I don't love dani I love you" I said holding her

"They are not breathing enough " Isabelle said

"We have to take them to the hospital" I said

We picked them up and walked to the hospital.

"Sorry they are going into surgery" the nurse said blocking out way

"Please! I need to be with gabby" I said

"Fine 2 minutes" she said

I walked to gabby and held her hand.

"Please gabby I love you so much. Your my best friend and I need you. Your my sunshine and your the funniest girl I ever meet." I said and kissed her cheek.

They rolled gabby and Mariah away into surgery.

Hey! I'm back from vacation and I got sunburned and went to disney! Yay! I will update tomorrow or Friday!

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