Chapter 8

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Mariah's POV

I woke up around 9 and got up from my bed to went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brushed my hair. I fixed my my hair into a ponytail and went back into my room and went to find some clothes to wear. I wore

.Skinny Jeans

.Red Vans

.Plaid shirt

I grab my phone and key card and started to head down to Isabelle's room.

"Isabelle? Is gabby there" I asked from the door

"No, maybe she's in Taylor's room" she said

"Kay thanks!" I said and walked down to Taylor's room

I saw Taylor's room was kinda open and saw gabby and Taylor in bed.. Nude.. Covered with bed sheets. Well that escalate quickly I said in my mind

I moonwalked back out their room and walked down to the lobby.

Gabbys POV

I woke up with the door closed and looked around. I saw Taylor holding my waist.

"Taylor,wake up" I said

"I'm up" He said

I giggled and got off from the bed.

"I'm taking the shower" i said

"I'm coming with you" He said winking at me

"No your not, I'm locking the door" I said and locked the door

I took off Taylor's shirt and but the shower water temputure to the warm. I hoped in the tub and heard the door clicked open

"How did you unlock it?" I said

"Bobby pin" Taylor said

"How do you know how to do it" i asked

"My mom told me" He said

"Oh" I said

"Can I still come in?" Taylor asked

"Erm fine" I said

Taylor hoped in the shower nude and I looked forward not staring at you know what.

"Let me wash your hair" Taylor asked

"Head and shoulders" I said

Taylor grab the head and shoulder and poured some in his hands and rubbed in on my hair

"You know how to shampoo hair" I said

"I know my ways" He said

I washed the shampoo out and grab the bottle of axe.

"Now you turn around" I said

Taylor turned around and I poured axe shampoo on to my hands and washed his hair.

"Ohh you know how to shampoo hair" taylor said mimicking me

"Shut up" I said

Taylor washed his shampoo out got out the shower leaving me alone shaving my legs and washing my body.

I got out from the shower and blow dried my hair and put it in a fishtail braid. I wrap a towel around my body an walked into the room seeing Taylor Wearing a tie-dye shirt with a bandana, jeans and Vans.

I went to my suitcase and went to find clothes to wear. I wore

.Skinny jeans


.Black Converse

"We are going to go have breakfast with the gang" Taylor said

"Kay, let's go" I said

We left the room and headed for the elevator. We went inside the glass elevator and pressed the lobby. We got out from the elevator and went to the hotel buffet. We saw the gang in the table and sat down next to them. I sat next to Nash and Isabelle.

"Morning" I said

"Morning" they all said

"Um, Gabby, why do you smell like axe?" Nash asked sniffing me

"Uhh" I said

I looked at Mariah who was giggling. And have her a death glare.

" I dropped Taylor's axe shampoo bottle" I said

"Why were you in Taylor's rooms" Nash asked

"Um, we talked" I said

"More than talked" Mariah said

"Well, then let's get breakfast" Cameron said went to the buffet.

We all came back with plates of bacon,waffles and orange juice.

"So what are you guys doing today?" I asked

"I'm going to the movies with Carter and Matthew" Cameron said

"Me and Isabelle are going shopping" Nash said

"Cool" I said

Everybody got up from the table and went their own way.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I asked

"Sure" Taylor said

"Wanna come Mariah" I asked

"Nah, I will let you to alone" Mariah said and left

"Well off to the beach!" Taylor said and grab my hand

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now