Chapter 6

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Gabby's POV

I woke up with someone holding my waist. I turn to see taylor sleeping with a pillow on his face.

"Wake up Taylor" I said

He moaned and stretch which made me fall on the floor.

"Ouch" I said

"Haha sorry, I didn't mean to" Taylor said getting off from the bed

"I'm going to my room to clothes" I said

"Kay, meet me downstairs at the lobby in 30 minutes" I said

I left Taylor room and went down the hall to go my room. I put my keycard in the slot. When I opened the door Isabelle wasn't there, so I guessed that she headed downstairs. I went inside the bathroom and went to take a quick shower. I washed my brown long and put it in a pony tail.

I went back inside the room and put on

.Skinny jeans

.Black toms

.Cameron Dallas shirt

I grab my iphone and my room card. I went to Taylor's rooms and knocked on the door.

"Hey Taylor you ready?"I said

"Yea" he said opening the door

"Kay, let's go" I said

"Have you seen Nash?" He asked

"Nope" I said

"Let's go to this room and see of he's awake" Taylor said an went inside the elevator

Taylor pressed floor 7 and the elevator went down. They elevator dinged and opened. We walked the Nash room and saw the door was open a little bit. I peeked and saw Nash and Isabelle on the bed getting naked

"What do you see?" Taylor said

I moved aside so Taylor can see. Taylor peeked and his eyes widen

"Fuck her in the pussy!"Taylor yelled

Taylor grab my hand and ran with my hand on his. We hit the elevator button and saw Nash running to us. The elevator door open and we ran inside and pressed any floor. The door on Nash.

"Well that was awkward" I said

"But funny for me" Taylor said

"Isabelle and Nash?, that the last couple that I would ever think of." I said

"I know right" Taylor said

The elevator stopped at a random floor and saw Matthew and dani getting in. Shit

"Hey Gabby" Matthew said

"Hi" I said looking away

"Hey Taylor wanna grab something to eat with me and dani?" Matthew asked

"Me and gabby were going to eat alone." Taylor said

"No it's fine, I don't mind" I said

"You sure" Taylor said holding my face making me face him

"I'm sure" I said

The elevator door open to the lobby and I was the first to leave. I walked outside and saw Carter and Cameron walking.

"Gabby!" They yelled

"Hey" I said

"Wanna grab something to eat with us?" Carter asked

"Sure, I would loved that" I said

We all walked down the boardwalked and went inside IHOP. We all settled in IHOP and sat in the booth.

"So gabby, tell us about yourself" Cameron said

"Well, I'm turned 16 yesterday, my favorite colors are red and blue. I'm the youngest. Isabelle is the oldest by 1 year. I live with my mom. I don't know where my dad is.. And Matthew lives down the block." I said

"You sound like a very nice person to hang out with" Carter said

"Do you penny board?" Cameron asked

"Oh course I do!" I said

"Let's penny board after we eat" Carter said

"That sounds great" I said

We ordered pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash brown and orange juice. After we ate we left IHOP and saw Taylor, Matthew and dani walking. We just walked past them but Taylor flashed a smile at me.

We all returned to the hotel and went back up to my room to grab my penny board. We went back outside and saw taylor walking alone.

"Taylor wanna join?" Cameron asked

"I left it at my house" He said

"You can share with me" I said

Taylor got in back of me and put his hand around my waist. My heart was pumping like crazy.

I began pushing us down the street. Some fans were watching us and took pictures and kept on yelling Gaylor or tabby. It seems like we have been riding for 2 hours until Cameron yelled

"Guys were going to be late for Magcon day 1!" He yelled

"Shit lets roll!" Carter said

We all rode back to the the hotel for Magcon with Taylor still holding my waist

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now