Chapter 3

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Gabbys POV

I was woken up my phone ringing, I open my eyes and Matthew flashed.

"Hello" I said in a sleepy voice

"Aww, was Gabby sleeping?" Matthew said sounding like a baby

"Yes she was" I said

"Haha, Anyway i was wondering if you wanna penny board with me today" Matthew asked

"Um sure just me sometime to get dress and stuff" I said

"Cool, pick you up in 30 minutes" Matthew said and the line went dead

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I fixed my hair and put it in a neat pony tail with my bags covering my forehead.I went back inside my room and search for some clothes to wear. I decide to wear

. Ripped Shorts

.Black LA sleeveless top

.Red Vans

I heard the doorbell rang and i went downstairs to see Matthew and my Mom chatting.

"Hey Matthew" I said

"Hey Gabby" He said and flashed a smile

"Gabby, I think this boy is a keeper" My mom said nugging me

"Mom stop" I said and blushed

"Lets go gabby" Matthew said

I went to grab my Mint Green Penny board that was under the couch and put my arms around Matthew. We walked not to far but into a closed street where mostly skateboarders hangout.

"Race You" Matthew and started running

"Not fair" I said and ran after him

I catch up to Matthew and pushed him a bush.

"Foul!" Matthew yelled at me

I stuck my tongue at him. I got my penny board ready, until i heard somebody calling my name.

"Gabby!" I heard somebody calling my name

I turned around to see Mariah and a boy.

"Mary!" I said and hugged her

"Gabby, this is Kenny, Kenny this is Gabby my Bestie" She said

"Nice to meet you" Kenny said and shook my hand

"Are you dating him?" I said in her ear

"I am" She said and jumped up and down

"Well, Lets penny Board!" Matthew said taking out leaves from his hair

We all put our penny boards on the floor and started to skate. It got really funny when Matthew kept on falling in bushes and a dog went chasing after him. Mariah and Kenny kept on holding hands and kissing each other faces off. but It was really cute that Mariah has a boyfriend

Right now its 6:00 and Kenny and Mariah went home. So its just me and Matthew. Right now Matthew is walking me home with the fireflies floating around us. He got to my front porch and he asked me something.

"Hey, Do you want to come to Magcon with me?" He asked

"I would loved to" I said

I was about to get inside my house when he grab my hand again.

"Your birthday is is 2 days, can i take you out for dinner tomorrow?" He asked

"I really enjoy that" I said and smiled at him

"See you at 7pm tomorrow" Matthew said and penny board back to his house


*Next Day*

I woke up with the sun beaming in my face. I got up and made my bed and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower i washed my hair and flat ironed it. I then decied to paint my nails.

"Isabelle, What color should i do?" I said going to her room

"Um Green" She said

"Thanks" I said and walk back into my room

I painted my nails and toes green and went to my closet to find something to wear.

. Black High waisted Skirt

.White Tank top

.Black cardigan

.Black toms.

I left my hair out and grab my iphone and money and stuffed it in my purse. I heard the doorbell rang and Isabelle open it revealing Matthew holding a rose and dressing in a nice outfit.

"Hi Matthew" I said smiling you

"You look Beautiful" He said handing me a rose

I blushed and looked down.

"Shall we?" He said

"We may" I said

We walked about 7 blocks to the restaurant.

"By the way, Mariah and Kenny are coming" He said

"Thats Fine" I said

We arrived at olive garden and saw that Mariah and Kenny are there. We all sat down and ordered pasta with chicken with bread sticks.

"I have to go guys, i have to be back home at 8:30" Mariah said and waved goodbye. It was just me and Matthew alone at a restaurant.

"So, we leave for magcon tomorrow" Matthew said

"No problem what time is our flight?" I said

" Um 2:45" Matthew said

"Oh to early" I said

"Everything is to early for you" Matthew jokley said

After we finished eating Matthew paid and we exit the restaurant and it was raining.

"You wanna make a run for it?" Matthew said

I smiled and we ran back home in the rain. Matthew and I almost slipped a few times but it was funny, We got onto my front door and Thanked Matthew

"Thanks Matthew, I had a good time" I said with my hair dripping wet

"I did too" Matthew said and looked at me

I was about to Turn the door when he grab my waist. We both stared into each other brown eyes and our lips collide . He put his hands on my waist and i put my hand around his neck. We broke apart and Matthew smiled at me.

"See you Tomorrow" He said and went to his house

I went back into my house and kept on thinking..

Holy Fudge







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