Chapter 24

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Gabbys POV

"What movie you wanna watch?" Mariah asked

"Which you have?" I asked

"I have Titanic, Hunger games and Mean girls" She said

"Mean girls" I said

"Perfect choice" She said and put it in the DVD player 

I went to the kitchen to heat us some popcorn and grab some cans of Pepsi and sat on top of her bed with a bowl of popcorn in my lap

"So you and Nash?" She said

"What about me and Nash?" I asked

"You know what i mean! The phone call" She said

"What about it?" I said putting pop corn in my mouth

"What he said" she said

"He says what im doing and stuff" I said

"and?" she said

"He told me he loved me" I said

"OH MER GWAD! He did what!" She screamed

"I know right" I said

"And what did you say?" she asked

"I love him to" i said

"OH MER GWAD!" She screamed

"I think im deaf on my left ear" I said

"Oh shut up and lets watch the movie" She said


I woke up with the sun hitting my eye and saw it was 10 and jumped from the bed.

"Mariah our plane is at 1!" I said

"Omg we over slept" She said

"Duhh" I said

"Lets get dress" She said

I ran into my bookbag which i had clothes in and wore

.Hayes Grier Shirt

.Skinny Jeans

.White Converse

I went back to mairah and saw her putting on her shoes and grab her suitcase.

"Lets go to my house and get my suitcase" I said

"Fine, No problem" She said

We walked back to my house which was 4 blocks away and went upstairs to my room and grab my suitcase. Mariah called a cab which took us to the jetblue gate and got there at 12.

Our boarding time was 1 so we went to chiplote and grab something to eat while we wait.

'Jetblue Flight 450 is now boarding" The intercom said

'That's our call" Mariah said and got up to throw her plate

We walked to the gate and got stop a few times by fans. We got to the gate in one whole piece and board out flight. The pilot went over the electronic stuff and when i was about to turn off my phone i had a 2 new messages.

Taylor: Can we talk in nj?

Nash: Have a safe flight! Cant wait to see your beautiful face


I have a question! Should gabby get back with taylor? Date Nash or Date matthew? c: comment what you think!

One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now