Chapter 28

653 28 7

Gabby POV

"Mariah?" I said

"Um yea.." Matthew said

"But she's dating Kenny" I said

"I know" he said rubbing his head

"Just think. And hey tomorrow's yours birthday" I said

"I know 17" he said

[A/N: I know in the book I said they are in the same grade but gabby is 16 cause she skipped a grade]

"Well let's celebrate tomorrow" I said

"Alright fine, anyway I'm going to my seat" Matthew said and went back the his seat

The drive back from six flags was alright. I fell asleep on Nash shoulder and he had to carry me to my room.

"Goodnight gab" Nash said

"Goodnight Nash" I said

We kissed each other and he turned off the lights and closed the door.


I woke up with the sun on my face and turned to the side and saw Mariah with her makeup smeared on her face. Was she crying?

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I grab my brush and put my hair in a fish braid.

I walked back into the room and saw Mariah sitting on the floor.

"May what's wrong?" I asked

"Kenny cheated on me" she said

"Omg with who?" I said

"Some girl who's a Magcon fan" she said

"What's her name?" I asked

"Dani" she said

"Holy shit" I said

"Yea" she said

"Come on let's get some food before the party" I said

"Fine lemme get ready" she said and went in the bathroom

I went into my luggage and decide to wear:

.Black Skater dress

.White Blazer

.Black heels

Mariah then came out the shower wearing

.Black Leggings

.Crop top that's says "Epic"

.White Heels

I applied some eyeliner and some mascara. I went into my make up bag to apply blush and a red lipstick.

Mariah put on her makeup and we check the time and it was 2:17 pm

Wow we love to sleep.

"Let's grab some lunch and get stuff for the party" I said

"Kay" Mariah said

I grab the room keys and our phones and headed to the elevator to take us to the lobby.

The elevator door open with Matthew waiting for it

"Happy birthday Matthew" I said and gave me a hug

"Thanks gabby" he said

"Happy birthday Matt" Mariah said

"Thanks" he said

"Anyway we have to go! See you later at the party" I said and grab Mariah's hand and led us into a dinner outside the hotel

"2 burgers and fries with chocolate milk shakes" I said to the waiter

"What's up with Matthew?" Mariah said

"He likes you" I said

"He does?!" She said

"Yea he does he told me" I said

"I like him to.." She said

"Omg yess! I ship it" I said

"Really you do?"

"Yep!" I said

The waiter came and put our food and we ate in silence. After we ate we went to Walmart and bought party hats and beer and chips.

Yea I know beer but hey he's 17 and Yolo right.

It was now 5 and the party starts at 7 so we had to head back into the hotel

We payed for the stuff and went back into the hotel into Cameron's room which had 4 other bedrooms inside incase we get wasted

"I got the beers" I said and put them on the table

"Nice" Cameron said

"Hey babe" Nash said

"Hey" i said and gave Nash and deep kiss

"Ohh getting sexy I see" Nash said

"Shut up" I said and giggled

"Ok guys let set up the party!" Mariah said

We spend 30 minutes setting up the chips and beers and other stuff. We bought pizza if we get hungry.

The Magcon guys came and so did Jacob and mahogany. We ate pizza and drank some beer and got well.. Drunk.

Jacob and mahogany left cause they got wasted and had to do extra stuff for Bart,

Right now we are sitting in a circle playing truth or dare

"Gabby truth or dare" Aaron asked

"Truth" I said

"Sing let it go" he said

I began to sang and Shawn's mouth drop and so did the guys

"Wow that was amazing" Nash said

"You should come on tour with me!" Shawn said

"Omg really?" I said

"Yes!" Shawn said

I drank another beer and laid my head on Nash shoulder.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Mariah said

She grab a empty beer bottle and put it in the middle.

She spinned it and it went around and around around. It finally stopped at Matthew.

He went closer to her and kiss her hard which made her fall to floor. Let's say things got heated and they took it to the bed.

"My turnnn!" Cameron said

He spinned it and it landed on a pineapple. He went to the pineapple and made out with it

"Omg!! Why do I have boobs!" Taylor said

"Those are nipples silly" Dillon said

"I wanna spin!" I said with my head dizzy

It landed on Nash and I grab his hand into the bed room and locked it.

I went on top of him and kissed him hard.

"I wanted to do this for a long time" Nash said

"So did I" I said and kissed him as I put my hand through his hair.

He flip me over so I was the one laying on the bed. He went to his back pocket and pulled out a condom.

"Are you ready?" He asked

I nodded and let Nash enter me

Happy early birthday Matt! Comment and vote please! Have a great summer Kay!!😘


One summer  (Matthew espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now