chapter 2: who is he?

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I finally arrived at the Sunset and walked behind the bar and clocked in. One of the first things I do once I've walked in is go to the corner where the radio is located. The radio is hooked up to the over-head speakers. After I get there, I find the station that plays heavy rock and play it on the speakers. The first song that comes on is “Welcome to the jungle” that is also by Guns n Roses. I start to whisper sing along with the song and start to take a few orders. Then some guy walks in.  I didn't notice his hair at first but as I started to observe him I realize that his hair is a strange combination of red and blonde, but it was mostly red. "Hey, can I get a drink over here." he says. I walk over to where he is seated. “What would you like to drink?" I say as mean as possible." Just give me a Jack and Coke. “He replied slightly snooty. As I mix his drink I look at him, “I’ve seen him before. But where?" I thought to myself. “You’re probably just confusing him with someone who looks like him." I tell myself. This is gonna be a long night.

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