chapter 17: the concerns

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Holy cow!!!! Tonight is the concert and I'm going to sing in front of like a million people with Axl Freaking Rose!!!!!!!! I need to calm down, I'm not sure how. But some way. I guess the guys could tell how nervous I was because they were all giving me reassuring smiles. When we got home last night, I was so tired that I went straight to bed. No one knows about the ring unless Axl told them. I sat there eating breakfast, and looking at my ring. It had a gold band and 3 diamonds in a row on it. Axl must have told them about the ring and stuff because the girls looked at me with big doofy smiles. "I guess you know about the ring, huh?" I said to them." well duh." Christie said."Axl had been planning this out forever." Christie continued.”Oh really?" I said as Axl walked in the room and yawned." you were planning out last night forever?" I asked him. "Pretty much." he said. “I got the idea for the line “now you stay up late at night and you do your coke for free." from that night when you did coke with Popcorn here." he said ruffling Steven's hair. Then I realized we were missing someone. "Hey, do you know where my brother is?" I asked everyone.  No one knew so I thought of something. “Where does he usually go to go drink?" I asked thinking about what may have happened. “He usually goes to the Rainbow if anywhere." Izzy said." would he be there for any reason?" I asked. They just shrugged their shoulders. "Well, let’s go see if he's there." I said. We all got (except the girls they were left at the house.) in the limo and went to the Rainbow.

Once we arrived, we asked the manager if they had see Duff and described what he looked like and he said yes. We walked over to a table where there were numerous shot glasses, bottles, and cigarette buds .there was a blonde fluff connected to a body. I walked over to him and grabbed him by the hair and picked him up. He was wearing his sunglasses. Of course he is wearing his sunglasses. Even when he is passed out in a bar. I thought and shook my head. “Come on guys we need to get him home and sober him up before the concert tonight." I said to the guys.  Axl grabbed one arm, Steven grabbed the other and Izzy and Slash grabbed his legs. I held his head and started walking backwards towards the door. “Why do you have to weigh so much, duff?" I asked his passed out self. We were able to drag him out to the limo and throw him in. then we got in. it was me, duff and Izzy sitting across from Axl, Steven and slash. It was a pretty quiet ride but then a question came to mind. "Did you guys really know that Axl was going to give me the promise ring?" I asked. “Well duh. We all knew, even the cook, Melinda." Slash said. "How did you all hide it from me?" I asked." we are amazing actors." Steven said and everyone laughed. Even when we burst out laughing, Duff didn't even flinch.

 Once we dragged Duff inside the mansion, we pinched his nose closed and began to s wing him by the pool. Then we threw him in the pool. The splash was so big that it got all of us soaked. About three seconds later there was a soaked blonde head popped out of the water gasping for air and we busted out laughing and he looked at us. A second later, I found myself being the only dry one because he had pulled everyone else in. the girls came out to see what was going on out here. Then Christie was pulled into the pool by slash, she was then pulled up to the surface by slash and he kissed her."Awwwww!!!" I and Rachel yelled and Christie face palmed us and went back to kissing slash. Duff did the same to Rachel and I was the only one who was dry. I figured that wouldn't last long because Axl was looking at me while he was exiting the pool. “Come on my Michelle." he said. I loved it when he called me that. Soon I was also in the pool talking to Steven and Axl, but then Axl grabbed my arm, looked me in the eye and pulled me into a kiss.

Three hours before the concert.

I got in the shower, and started to wash my hair when someone knocked on the door. “What the heck do you want?" I yelled. “Can I get the flat iron?" the voice responded. I figured out that it was Axl when I saw a blurred red figure moving towards the counter and grabbed something. "Goodbye Axl." I said as the figure left. “Goodbye Michelle." he said and closed the door. Then I got out of the shower and started on my hair. I fixed it the way Rachel told me how to do it and went to get dressed. I put on a cut off Guns n roses shirt, a leather skirt, netting stockings, a blue bandana and some boots. I looked in the mirror and looked myself over. I decided that I could use some lipstick, so I chose a bright red color.  I walked out of my room to find duff sitting alone on the couch. I decided to ask him a question. “Why did you go to that bar last night? Did I do something to anger you?" I asked. “I just didn't like the fact that you and Axl are moving that fast. I mean, he met you like, what, last week? I just. you're my little sister and I don't want you to get hurt, especially because then I would have to kill Axl." he said smiling at that last part."I'm not going to get hurt, especially not by Axl. And I'm always going to be you're little sister, so yeah. Just chill big bro." I said smiling at his concern. "Now let's see if the guys are ready to go." I said standing up.

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