chapter 15: head in the toilet

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When I woke up I was on a banister. What the heck? I looked up and saw slash hanging on the chandelier. Why? I got off the banister and walked around. I saw Axl laying on the TV and Izzy with his head in the toilet. How do you fall asleep like that? I thought. I grabbed his hair and lifted his head to make sure he was still alive. He was still breathing, so I put his head back. I went to the kitchen and saw the dishwasher door was open and Christie was laying on it. Really? I thought.

I found Steven half in the pool. Waist down he was in the pool but his upper half was lying out of the pool. Wow, we must have gone crazy. I thought. As I was going back inside I heard something so I turned around. I saw Steven was waking up."Hey Stevie."I whispered petting his head. “How’d I get out here?"He asked. "I don't know Stevie. Let’s go find everyone else. I've found everyone but Rachel and duff." I said. “You don't think?" I questioned."I sure it's not what you think." he said.

He was right it wasn't what I thought. It was weirder. Duff was lying on the head board of the bed and Rachel was in the closet with a clothes hanger on her head.

This is weird. I said thought. We heard a groan than a crash. We walked out of the room to find slash awake under the chandelier. He was cursing under his breath. “You fell huh."Steven said looking up at the swaying chandelier."No, I'm just in the middle of the floor for no reason." he said sarcastically."Sheesh, calm yourself." Axl said from the other room. “You woke me up. “He grunted. "Oh really? I'm sorry that my impending death woke you up. “He said sarcastically.

After everyone woke up we ate some breakfast. Everyone had regular cereal except Steven, who had his cereal with KETCHUP. KETCHUP I'M SAYING!!! WHO DOES THAT TO CEREAL??? He will put ketchup on everything and anything. He is absolutely insane!!!!! "Dude. What’s with wrong with you and why are you ruining a perfectly good bowl of cereal?" Izzy asked. "I like ketchup and don’t you know? Everything is wrong with me. Duh." Steven said. Everyone rolled their eyes. "Hey, axl. What where you and the guys doing in the song room?" Rachel asked. "Oh, well it's called the song-writing room so what do you think." he replied obviously annoyed. She ducked her head, in sadness. "Axl! Be nice to her, she is your guest so you should be nice to her. Do you want her to be kind to you? If so you need to nice to her too." I said to him like his mother. “Now apologize .NOW!!!” I yelled at him scaring everyone at the table. "I'm sorry, Rachel. I'm just trying to keep what the song is about a secret because it is for someone." he said whispering the last part. "Who is it for?" Steven said raising his eyebrow. "None of your business, Steve so just let me be." he replied. No one said anything after that. We ate our breakfast in silence.

An hour later, the guys called Steven upstairs to the song-writing room and it was just me and the girls." hey, girls? I think we should go shopping for a special outfit for Hailey Michelle." Rachel said with a suspicious smile. "What are you thinking Ray?" I asked. “You will find out." she said with an evil smile. "Fine, I’ll go tell the guys." I said. I went and walked up to the door and put my ear to it but I still couldn't hear anything. Stupid sound proof walls. I thought. I knocked on the door and waited. A second later, Izzy opened the door.  "What do you want? we're working here so it better be important." he growled." tell the rest of the guys that the girls and I are going to go shopping." I said. “okay, see you later Hailey Michelle." he said slightly nicer now. “Bye Jeffery Isabel." I said and saw that he was surprised that I called him his real name. I went down stairs and grabbed the girls and got in the DeLorean. The first song to come on was "Anyway you want it" by Journey. This should be awesome. I thought as we all screamed the lyrics.

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