chapter 11: christie meets the guys!!!!

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After we talked a little bit about the songs that axl and I should do together, we had the whole concert planned out. Then I realized something.”Hey guys? I need to go back to my apartment and get some clothes. Would it be ok if I bring a friend or two?" I asked sweetly. “Are they female?"Steven asked. "Yes, they are."I responded. “Are they hot?"Slash asked. “That’s for you guys to determine. So, I'll be back in a couple hours with my stuff and the girls." I said. "Ok, don't be too long though." Axl said starring into my eyes. I felt my cheeks go hot."Ok." I said meekly. “You can take the limo. “My brother said interrupting Axl and I's starring contest."K, be back soon. I'm going to drive my car back though, ok."I said. They just nodded their heads and I was off.

Once I got to my apartment, I got out the key, unlocked the door and walked in. I walked to Christie's room and did what she did to me a couple days before. I grabbed her ankles and dragged out of bed making her land stomach first on the floor."Ow!!!! What the....Hailey! You’re back!"She said shocked."yep, I needed more clothes. I've been wearing  this for about 3 days." I said. "plus I wanted to take you to meet the guys, so pack some clothes and pack some of mine and then we'll leave.oh, I have so much to tell you. I'll have to tell you on the way there." I said quickly."Ok, can we bring someone else too?" she asked. "sure, who?" it's a new friend of mine; I think you'd like her." she said convincingly."Ok, fine. Go call her. I told the guys that we'd be back soon." I said. "Ok, gimme a sec.", she said. I rolled my eyes and w went to my room. I packed some clothes and then changed clothes. I put on some leather pants, an appetite for destruction shirt and a plaid shirt right over it but I didn't button it up or anything and I also put on my combat boots. I walked out of the room and saw that Christie was wearing jeans, a Queen shirt with ruffles and a black leather jacket. She too was wearing combat boots. “She will be here in a minute or two." Christie said excitedly. “Ok. What is her name?" I asked. “Rachel, but she doesn't like to be called that, so you can all her Ray or Cat. Either one." she concluded. Well that sure is an interesting nickname. But, hey I told the guys they could call me what every they like pretty much. so I guess I shouldn't say anything. I thought. The doorbell rang and Christie went to go get the door. When she opened it I saw a girl, looked about 25, with velvet red hair and a crystal clean complexion and lips matching her hair. "Hello, you must be Hailey! I’ve been told so much about you from Christie!" she said happily. "Yes I'm Hailey. I see that you have a bag. That’s a good thing cause who knows when we will leave the guys mansion." I said bluntly. Both girls looked at me with their mouths practically touching the floor. Oh yeah, you forgot to tell them before that the guys lived in a mansion. I thought. "Your brother lives in a freaking mansion and you never told me!!!!!!!!" Christie yelled at me. “Hey, I didn't know that he lived in a mansion either until yesterday." I defended myself.  “Now let’s put those bags in the DeLorean along with you and we will be going.”ok." the girls said in unison. I told them about everything. They just stared at me in disbelief. This will be fun!

We walked into the mansion and both girls just looked like their mouths were going to fall of their faces." surprised much?" duff said smiling. It was the first time they had seen each other in 3 years because when I saw him before now, it was 3 years ago, so yeah.she ran to him and ran her hand through his hand, she didn't hug him because she is weird and HATES when people hug her. (I know it’s weird but that is based on the real person because she hates hugs too.) "Who’s the babes?" slash said. "That’s Christie." I said “and that's Rachel. I just met Rachel so as you guys are getting to know each other; I will get to know her too.ok." I said “I already told the girls about everything concerning the fake relationship, (my feelings towards axl), the concert, and us being drunkards." I said and the guys smiled at that. “Oh, and girls that is my brother duff. You break his heart I’ll break you" I growled which caused my brother to go into a fit of laughter. “Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yes, that's what I told the guys when I introduced them to you." he said. "Ok, you guys get to know each other and I and Axl will go practice our songs." I said. The guys just nodded. This will be fun.

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