chapter 9: what's going on in my mind (Axl's POV)

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(Axl’s point of view)

As we got in the limo, I was going over what just happened outside. "She wants me to be her boyfriend. Well, her fake boyfriend. This is amazing! Out of everyone she could have chosen, she picked me."  I thought to myself. When I first saw her at the Sunset strip, I thought she was beautiful, and yet I treated her horribly. “How did you get that second chance you lucky...?” "Axl?" the sweetest voice said. I turned and saw Hailey Michelle looking at me with a slightly concerned expression. "Yes Michelle?" I replied. “What are you thinking about? You started to squeeze my hand." she said and I almost melted at the amount of beauty in her voice. "Stay in your pants, Rose." a voice in my head said. “Oh, I'm perfectly fine. I am just thinking about what songs we should sing at the concert." I lied swiftly.  Her frown immediately turned into a smile. For a second I thought she is who they are describing in the song cherry pie by Warrant, because once she smiled, I felt the biggest smile that I've probably ever smiled. It felt as if was "10 miles long"! It was an amazing feeling. “I was thinking that, to really trick them, you could call me out on to stage right before you guys sing Sweet child o' mine. And after you call me out, you can have me sit in a chair on stage and you can sing to Me." she said excitedly. "That could work. I would believe it." Steven said.  I rolled my eyes, "you would believe me if I put my hair in a pony tail and said that I was Michael j fox. Or something stupid likes that." I said with my hand on his head. “It seems like a good idea to me. What does everyone else think?"I asked. My question was responded to by several grunts. "Ok. We shall plan the rest out tonight and the next day." I said.

Boy was I wrong! Once we got to the mansion, I showed Hailey Michelle around and then, the vodka showed up. I think that Steven has a new drinking partner. I never thought anyone could drink even close to the amount he drinks! This is a bad, bad thing.

"Michelle." I said trying to get her attention. “You will regret drinking that in the morning."I said sounding like her mother. "Did your mother not tell you that a lady shouldn't drink that much?"I said. Wait, what am I doing? I love it when other people get drunk, but now I'm just being abnormal. “You must really care about her dude." a voice said in my mind. I then realized that she was talking to me. “what did you say Michelle?"I asked."I said deaf dude that my mother died because of her heroin addiction stupid. “She said bluntly. Oh my god! Did she just say that! My poor little sweet angel!" I'm so sorry."I whispered. She just looked at me. She didn't care. She started to speak. “And my dad works in porno, so. I have the perfect life. “Her slurred.oh, my angel! I feel so bad. “Would you like to talk about it?"I asked. “No, I got over those years ago. I fine now. “She said sternly."Ok.just let me know." I said. "Come on! You barely drank anything! You need to loosen up, Rose! Come on! Join the party. “She said handing me a bottle of half drank, something or another.”Why not!" I thought to myself. "She wants me to have fun, so I will!" I thought excitedly. "Let’s get this party started!"I yelled

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