chapter 3: big brother

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I woke up this morning, not because I was being pulled out of bed, but because I heard the phone ringing. Knowing that Christie was not gonna get up just because the phone was ringing, I got up, walked though the kitchen and answered it. “Hello?"I mumbled knowing how groggy I must sound."Hey little sis." When I heard that I completely woke up. I knew exactly who called who called me: my brother Duff Mckagan."Hey, why are you calling me at noon. Not that I don't want to talk to you, it's just that..... I was asleep." I said realizing how crazy I must sound.  "Of course you are. That’s all you ever do, isn't It." realizing that he just insulated me I said;"Hey! I work two jobs!!" I sensed that he was grinning on the other side of the phone. "I know, I know! Calm yourself. I have something you might enjoy..." I have a bad feeling about this. I thought. "Hailey, I want you to come meet the boys today."  Who? Was all I could think. “What boys?"I replied. "The band mates stupid" he said. Oh right, I forgot about them. I thought. "What time?"I said. "Be here about 1 "he replied happily. "Ok, I'll see you then. Bye" I hung up and went to get ready. I put on a Journey shirt and jeans, brushed my hair and teeth. I wrote a note to Christie so she would know where I was and left.

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