chapter 27: swirling point of views

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I heard voices around me. "It’s your fault. You were having a problem with that addiction of yours anyway." the voice said. "It’s not like you guys are any better off. I mean, slash and his Jack. You and your beer, Izzy and his random drugs. Axl with his everything and anything. It’s not just me." the other voice reasoned. Wow I'm really tired. I thought completely ignoring the voices.  I fell back asleep.

*Axl's point of view*

I awoke to seeing my stripper gone and a track on the bed. It said “I’m sorry". I listened to it and I think it was Michelle singing. She was singing “Bed of Roses" by Bon Jovi. It was beautiful. I wonder where they all are anyway?

*Steven's point of view*

it's always my fault. Why? I barely did anything. I mean, I barely remember what happened. It’s never anyone else's fault. It’s always “why did you let that happen?" or “why did you do that, Steven?". This time I barely did anything. Like nothing.  This is a mutiny. And if Michelle doesn't wake up soon that will be my fault too, now won't it?!? This is crazy. And if I didn't feel guilty already without the guys making it my fault. I hope Michelle's fine.... hey, where's Chris, her friend?

Christie's/ Chris's point of view*

I woke up in Slash's bed and turned to face the mop of hair. I should take a shower. I decided and crept out of the bed. I got out of the shower and put on a random shirt. I walked downstairs and went in the kitchen. The maid, who cares what her name is, had a small breakfast set up for me and slash. I sat down and thanked her. Where the heck is Hailey Michelle? I thought and shrugged. The maid seemed to know what I was thinking about and said: “the rest of the band is at the hospital with Michelle, again." she said. "What happened?" I asked. "She jumped off a table and landed on the ground. “She replied and I fell to the ground laughing. "She fell. Seriously? That’s it?" I asked. The maid gave me a dirty look. “Her head started bleeding and she passed out. She was also high with Mr. Adler so that made it even more dangerous. She could have OD. “She said as I got up and made myself calm. “Which hospital is she at?" “The one on the Sunset Strip." "Ok, when slash wakes up tell him I went to see Michelle." “Yes Miss Alvarez." how did she know my last name? Only Michelle is supposed to know. Who cares?

*Duff's point of view*

I hate Steven. He had to let her jump. What is wrong with him? I would say that he should get help for his addiction, but we're all hooked to something." this is stupid. She’s not waking up anytime soon." I said to, apparently no one since I was the only one awake. I heard a quiet noise and turned to Hailey err, Michelle. "What the..?" she started. "You tried to jump from a table to the pool and, well, failed."I explained."I should go tell the doctor that you're awake." I told her and walked out of the room.

*Michelle's point of view*

"I just want to roll over and die."I said. The doctor had asked me how I felt. Honestly, I felt physically fine but emotionally I felt like someone ran my personality over with a truck. I glared at Axl, who showed up a little bit after I woke up. I had Steven tell him what happened with Tommy Shaw and he became pissed. Once I get out of here I'm going to run for it. Hope you enjoy your strippers, you dumb.... my thoughts were interrupted by the doctor."I think you could use some time out of here. In a week if you still feel like this come back." Doctor Stupid Face said.

"I totally agree." I said and the doc left me to get dressed. "Steve and Izzy stay." I said."I'm going to leave. I'm not going to live with you guys anymore. Except, Steven I want you to come with me. And I want Iz to tell the band." they nodded. No one tried to get me not to go. Steven seemed happy to be going with me."I will stop at the mansion and get clothes." Steven said."Ok, meet me at the Rainbow. Don’t tell anyone where I will be. Got it?" I said and they nodded. “Good.”

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