chapter 8: the secrets

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As we left the Ihop, I grabbed Axl's hand in an attempt to get his attention. “Axl, I think in an attempt to tell the fans that I'm not dating my brother, we should act like we are together." I said with all the courage I could muster. "Why me. Why not anyone else in the band, in the world?" he said. I felt a frown tugging at my lips. I don't know why, but I felt offended by his statement.”Not that I wouldn't like to have you as an imaginary girlfriend, it's just, I thought you would go for like Slash or something." he said Noticing my expression. ""Why would I do that? I mean every freaking girl in the world wants to be "Axl's girl" so I mean. Why shouldn't it be you? And I think it would be a good way to get to know each other." I reasoned. I then noticed that everyone had stopped walking and were staring at us. "What?"Axl asked them. They just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. “we should talk about this at the apartment before you guys come up with anything." duff said. "Why Duffy-boy? Scared I'm gonna break her heart in this fake relationship?" Axl questioned. "No. it's just that I have some things that I wanna express about this. And plus if you actually want to fool them then you shouldn't talk about it in public." Duff countered.  "You have a good point bro. let's go to the apartment." I said. "Actually, the apartment is Steven's. The rest of us live in a mansion." I was told by Slash. “You live in a MANSION AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!!!!  I yelled at my brother. “Yes, I didn't want to overwhelm you with the mansion just yet. I wanted to see you in a smaller environment." he defended himself. “Ok but now we have to go to the mansion and because you did that to me, you have to pay for any beer or anything that I intake tonight." I said frankly. "Fine. Will I be off the hook then?" he asked. "Maybe. We’ll just have to see." I said playfully and he sighed.  Izzy decided to say something," shall we get the limo then?" he asked the group. "AGAIN. YOU HAVE A LIMO. HOW DO I NOT KNOW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!?” I yelled at my brother again. “Calm yourself.ok, to make it up to you. Um, how about going with us on stage at our next concert and singing rocket queen or something with Axl." I couldn't believe he just gave me this opportunity. "You are the best brother ever. I would hug but that won’t help trying to say that we aren't dating so yeah. But still you are the best bro." I said it all so fast that I was surprised he could comprehend It." you're welcome. Hey axl, you are ok with this right man?  I want to make sure that you are alright with this." axl nodded his head. " I think though, that we should practice together so we can make any changes that we need to and see what songs we should do along with when you should join in on the concert." he said. I just stood there staring at them with my mouth wide open. They must have noticed because they looked at me and burst into laughter. "We should get going if we ever want to give you a tour of the mansion." slash said. “Ok. But wait. What concert am I going to sing at?" I asked them. It was izzy's turn to answer, “Well, you can sing at the concert next week. It will be a good way to introduce you to the crowd. We will see how well the crowd likes you and we go from there." he said. “Ok" I said dumbly. We called, at a payphone, for the limo driver to come pick us up. I can’t believe this happening.

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