chapter 18: the concert!!!!!!

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 An hour later I found myself backstage in Axl's dressing room, where he was going over one last time, what we were going to sing and what to do if something breaks or something. I finally felt somewhat ready for this but I was still really nervous. I know Axl could tell because he came and hugged me. “You will be great. They will love you and if they don't then they are really freaking stupid." he said with reassurance. He offered me a smoke and I accepted it. I usually didn't smoke and I would've turned it down but I figured, hey what the heck? I've consumed large amounts of alcohol and I've done cocaine so, what the heck? “I usually don't smoke I don't care anymore." I said casually. He glanced at me and nodded. A few minutes later, Steven came in and said it was time to go on. I stood on the edge of the stage, just out of view of the audience but I could see the guys and they could see me so it was the perfect spot. The guys opened with “it’s so easy." then sang "Nightrain". I sat down when I realized that I should probably rest the legs that I was going to be standing on for the next hour or so. I then heard the intro to "My Michelle" and smiled. “This song is for the girl you are going to meet shortly." Axl told the crowd and they cheered.  He turned and flashed me a smile then started singing and dancing. I took a sip of water and then I heard Axl say my name to the crowd. "This is my girlfriend Hailey Michelle Mckagan." he said signaling for me to come out on the stage. My heart started beating so fast that I thought that it was going to come out of my chest. The thoughts of my heart were put aside when I realized that I was being blinded by the stage lights but I could see in front of me so I drifted to Axl. “This is Hailey Michelle. Also known as Michelle, My Michelle." he said referencing to the song he last sang. I turned to see the rest of the band and was handed a microphone and headset from slash who smiled at me under his hair. I put on the headset but kept it off and turned on the mic. Axl looked at me, his expression told me to introduce the next song, which I knew from practice was Sweet child o' mine. “Ok guys, this is Sweet Child o' Mine by these guys." I said gesturing to the band and they chuckled.  Before the song started Axl got my attention and pointed to a drink on the far corner of the stage." that is your drink. You can take a sip of it during instrumental breaks." he whispered to me as he pulled away from the microphone. The opening riff of the song came from slash's guitar and that was Axl and i's signal to get in our positions at opposite sides of the stage. I heard my cue and began to sing, unsure at first but then I could feel my voice become powerful. "She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky." I sang  and Axl jumped in. " now and then when I see her face she takes me away to that special place and if I stare  to long I'd probably break down and cry." he sang. We ran to each other and grabbed hands. Then we started to sway. “Sweet child o mine." I sang. “Sweet love of mine." he sang. “She’s got eyes of the bluest skies as if they thought of rain. I'd hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain." he continued looking into my eyes. After that song we did "November rain”, “used to love her," and paradise city" which was my favorite. "Just an urchin livin under the street. I’m a hard case that's tough to beat, your charity case so buy me something to eat, I'll pay you at another time! Take it to the end of the line." I sang running around the stage with Axl, bobbing my head up and down as I ran. "Rags to riches or so they say. You gotta keep pushing for the fortune and fame. You know it's all a gamble when it's just a game. You treat it like a capital crime! Everybody’s doing their time."  He sang running around the stage. By the time I was supposed to leave the stage I was DRUNK!!!!!!! After the last song I was supposed to sing ended, I drunkly walked to the edge of the stage and a few seconds later I found myself being passed around by the people in the crowd. When I finally got out of the crowd, I started walking to the backstage when I realized I was missing a shoe. Of course. My favorite pair of shoes. I thought sourly limping back to the dressing rooms. The guards let me in and I went and sat on the couch near the entrance to the stage. I took off my other shoe and went to Axl's dressing room to see if he had any shoes. I finally found a pair that looked like it would fit and put them on. They reached about my knee and they were black. They were a little bit too big but I didn't care. I found some alcohol and sat myself back down on the couch and waited for the concert to end. while waiting, I saw a fan get on stage and attack slash, Izzy almost fall off the stage, duff almost walk straight into Axl , and Steven ,somehow, lose  a drumstick. When he lost it he used his hand until a person on the side give him another drumstick. Good to see I'm not the only drunk one. I thought as the guys completely screwed up the song "welcome to the jungle". Slash messed up the intro and Axl was singing the wrong lyrics. This is hilarious. I thought as I sang along.

The guys stumbled back here with me, some girls also came in. I sat next to Axl, where I belonged. Some of the girls were shooting lasers at me with their eyes, while others tried to ignore me and make their move on Axl, but he just looked at me and started talking. "Did you enjoy the concert, Michelle?" he asked trying to ignore the girl trying to get his attention. “I loved it." I slurred. That is all I remember before it got blurry.

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