chapter 10: every" Rose" has its thorn, even in fake relationships.

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(Do you get the title? there's a pun in it. I'm so proud!)

Hailey's Pov

I woke up this morning with my head in Axl's lap. At first, I just laid there looking at his beautiful face. “Wait what, stop thinking like that Mckagan. He’s only going to be my fake boyfriend. I can't actually love him! I barely know him!"My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a sudden movement in my shirt. “what the..." I started but was then interrupted when I came face to face with the chipmunk in my shirt."AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed which woke up Axl who screamed. The chipmunk then crawled into his pants which caused him to do a little dance which made me laugh so hard that I rolled of the couch and landed on Steven, waking him up. I scared him so much that he hit slash who was lying next to him which kicked duff and on and on. Soon after that, everyone was awake enough though realize what Axl was doing. “What is wrong with you?"Slash said to him. “Chipmunk, pants. Help!"He managed to say.

After that Axl was standing in his boxers. He had to take off his pants to get the chipmunk off his pants. "One question. What is a chipmunk doing in the mansion?" he asked. Everyone turned and looked at Steven. “What? I didn't let him in. I don't think so. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? We were drunk. I could have been anyone." Steven said defending himself. "He does have a point." Izzy said quietly as always."Yeah it could have been you, Axl or Hailey Michelle." duff said to the guys.

After we made sure there was no other animals in the house, we started playing the fake girlfriend/ boyfriend thing. “Ok, so when you guys leave the house you guys need to act all into each other. Ok. The whole deal, hand holding, hugging, axl comforting you if you cry or vice versa." I heard Steven say in the most serious I heard escape him. "Ok, what about at home?" axl asked his beautiful voice filled with curiosity and questioning. “I just met you, but I think I love you. Don’t get freaked out though." I said in my mind. I went back to focusing on what they were saying since in is concerning axl and i's fake relationship." when you guys are at home, I see it in two ways, you can either ignore each other, or learn more about each other. I believe that if you guys spend that time learning more about each other that it will help you guys out in your fake relationship. I see it that way because, then you can figure out each other’s favorite foods and drinks are so you can order for each other in public. That will make you guys seem really about each other because you will know what each other likes." Izzy said wisely. The only one who hasn't really talked in this conversation that I thought might say a couple things, was my brother, who I thought would be the most concerned about the topic." Duffy-boy, what's wrong? Chipmunk got your tongue?" I asked then burst into a fit of laughter with everyone else. The comment made duff smile a little, but it was still strange to see him so quiet on a topic that concerns me. “No but seriously. Are you ok? You haven't said a word since we began this conversation." I asked him. I was worried about him. “I’m fine. I just never thought there would be a day when I would help plan my little sister's fake public relationship. It’s just weird and plus I don't anything I say would work in the way you should act in public because, I still don't like one you guys dating her. Even if it’s not a real thing, it just bothers me. when I think about my sister dating, I'm usually at the point where I'm like, leave my sister alone before someone, meaning you , gets hurt." he confessed. “Duffy, it’s going to be fine. I'm not going to break her heart. I’ll barely touch her except to hold her hand or hug her in public if that makes you feel better." axl suggested. "No, you two should get to know each other in the most normal way possible. I will try not to let my feelings on this touchy subject get too out of hand." duff said finally. “Ok, now that we are done with that. Let’s talk about the concert next week." I said trying to get off that topic, because it was making everyone uncomfortable.

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