chapter 20: thoughts

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It is the 6th of February, 4 days since my injury and 3 days since I got out of the hospital. it is now Axl's birthday and I have something simple planned: a dinner at his favorite place to eat, The Melting Pot, then a walk on the beach that will hopefully lead to us getting in the water and will go from there.


*Axl's point of view*

today is my birthday and all I want is to be alone with Michelle. I wonder what she has planned for my birthday. I know she is planning something because she said that I need to be ready to eat by 7:30. I wonder where we will go. She might take me to my favorite restaurant, The Melting Pot, or possibly somewhere else I like. I don't know but I'm sure it'll be great.

*Duff's point of view*

Today is Axl's birthday and I'm scared of what my sister will give him. Ok actually, I'm scared of what she might do for him. I'm scared of that because, when I came back into the hospital room I found them cuddling. I know that I'm probably freaking out over nothing, it's just. She’s my little sister and I don't want her to

to get hurt. It’s my job to protect her. I'm probably just overreacting, though.

* Steven's point of view*

Today is Axl's day! I'm going to give him a blue bandana with white star-like things. I hope he likes it. I wonder what Michelle is going to do for his birthday. I overheard her telling him to be ready to eat by 7:30. I wonder where they are going. Probably the Melting Pot. I hope they bring leftovers.

*Izzy's point of view*

Today is Axl's bday. I'm going to give him a leather jacket with our band symbol on it. I hope he likes it. This is one of the first times we celebrated his birthday. We usually didn't because he didn't care and no one else did. I wonder where he and Michelle are going for dinner. They’re probably going to his favorite restaurant. I saw her packing swimsuits for the both of them, so she is probably going to take him to the beach. Should I tell her? No, it'll be hilarious.

*slash's point of view*

I hope Michelle goes where I told her for Axl's birthday. He loves that place.  I'm going to give Axl a new pair of aviators. His old pair got stolen at a concert. Those fans will take anything they can get their hands on. One of them stole Michelle's shoe! I mean, what the heck is wrong with these people?!?!?!?!?!?!? I guess I'll just never understand them.

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