chapter 24: Mr. Shaw

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Once we got to Denis's place, I saw that the band was already there. “Hey Tommy, I brought you a fan." he said and a blonde turned and faced me. He smiled and I almost melted completely then. “Hello beautiful. What’s your name?" Tommy asked me and I almost forgot my name. “It’s, um, Hailey Michelle Mckagan." I said nervously. He smiled, "Mckagan, huh. Any relation to Duff Mckagan?" he asked and I nodded. "I'm his sister." I said dumbly and he nodded. “Hey Tommy. Get us some beer won't you?" one of the twins said, I think it was Chuck Panozzo but I don't know. Tommy started into a different room and, I couldn't help it, I followed him. We entered what appeared to be a small home bar with dozens of different types of liquor. As I admired the alcohol, he spoke: "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked, startling me a little and he chuckled. "Got any vodka?" I questioned and he laughed. “What’s so funny?" I asked and he shook his head. “I guess I should have just assumed that's what you drink since you are related to Duff." he said chuckling again. Changing the topic, I decided to get to business. “So when is this fan concert?" I asked. “I think that it is going to be in a few weeks." he said hesitantly. "You don't know?" I said and giggled. "That’s pretty bad" I said. “Yep" he replied. "So what is the plan for the..." I started but was interrupted by Tommy putting his lips to mine. We stood there a minute kissing, but then I remembered someone. “Axl." I whispered when we pulled away. “I’m sorry Tommy but that shouldn't have happened. I'm dating Axl Rose." I said softly. A look of regret crossed his face. “Oh, I'm sorry. I can't believe I did that, I'm sorry". He said taking a step away from me. “It’s fine, I’ll just explain this to axl, I will make sure he doesn't come and kill you or something." I said smiling at the last part. “I’m sure he'll understand." I continued. We walked out of the room and I told the guys that I had to leave and that I was still considering the job, I just had to ask axl and my brother about it. I walked over to each of the guys and gave them hugs, then turned my Walkman back on and started walking towards the mansion. Hopefully Axl won't flip. I thought as the song "Blue Collar Man” started and I began singing. "Give me a job, give me security. I'm just a poor boy in the unemployment line; my God I'm hardly alive!" I sang as I walked.

A/N I know it's short, I've been working on an account with my friend and a joke book. Our account name is Rosebudgeniusduo and the book is," Jokes from the minds of middle schoolers." (I know the account name is sort of stupid, just I had one group idea and she had another so this happened.)

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