chapter 26: high as a kite

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“Kevin, come here!" I shouted at a magical rainbow pigeon. The pigeon started to then play the mandolin. It then started to play "boat on the river" by Styx. Suddenly a purple bunny appeared and started singing and playing the accordion. "You see the bunny and pigeon singing "boat on the river" too right?" I asked, but my voice seemed far away. "No. but I do see a unicorn Pegasus dancing the tango and playing an organ." he responded. His voice sounded really high pitched and close to me.  "Where are you Steven?" I asked as I tried to stand. It ended miserably and I landed on something hard. It was moving. It was Steven. "Stevie your here!" I said loudly. "Why are you blue?" he asked. "Why are you green?" I asked and we both laughed. "I have an idea. Let’s go to the pool." I stated and we stumbled to the pool holding onto each other for support. "One, two, cucumber, ten!" he yelled and we jumped in.  We popped back up. "Hi." "Hi". We both said and swam to the edge. “I have an idea. Let’s go jump off the table and land in the pool." he said and I agreed. He was going to go first. He landed right next to the pool. "ow." he said calmly and got up. "Your turn." he said and I stood on top of the table. I prepared myself for water, but it didn't come. My body slammed against the ground and I touched my head. It hurt so much that I shrieked in pain. I brought the hand to my face and saw blood.

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