chapter 19: injury and remebering.

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  I woke up and found myself upside down and about 8 feet above the ground. I looked up and saw the ceiling about a foot above me. How the... what the....? How do I get out of here? I thought to myself as I looked back down. I didn't see anyone down there that was conscious, so I found myself with two options. I could try to kill myself by rolling off the thing I was laying on, or I could wait for someone to wake up and help me get off of here. I decided to go with the first option. I started to flip my body over on my stomach. Then I grab the knob of the cabinet I was laying on. Then finally, in one swift move I pulled myself off the cabinet and I landed.......flat on my face. I saw a blurred figure slowly moving at first but then I was moving rapidly towards me and grabbed my head. “Michelle! Michelle!  Are you ok? What happened? Duff!!! Steven!!! Slash!!! Izzy!!!! Someone!!!" the voice yelled and I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes and quickly closed them again because the room I was in was filled with light. Where am I? The last thing I remember is jumping from the top of the cabinet. I thought. Then I heard a familiar voice, “wait her eye lashes are fluttering!" the voice said and another one answered. “You always think her eyelashes are fluttering." a less hopeful voice said. Both voices sounded tired and sad. I slowly opened my eyes once again and braced myself for the light that was going to flood my vision. I looked around the room and saw some slightly familiar faces, but two faces I recognized completely. “Axl? Duff?" I said hoarsely. Axl's head flipped around so fast I thought it was going to fly off. Duff’s head turned slowly, as if he wasn't sure if this was happening or not. When he finally faced me his face became flooded with relief. The other guys and the girls looked slightly familiar. Again, one face sparked a memory. "Chris?" I asked and she came and stood by my bed with the boys. The three of them were staring at me. “What?" I asked them." You remember me?" Axl asked." well duh, loverboy." I said to him. “What do you remember about me?" he asked. “I remember the time from when we met to when I went to the concert with you and I woke up on top of a cabinet." I said and they gave me a puzzling look at that last part. “You remember the promise ring?" he asked hopefully. “As I said before, I remember everything about you, you and you." I said pointing at Axl, Duff, and Christie." the other people look familiar but I can’t pull a memory of them. Except you." I said pointing at the blonde puff. “What do you remember about me?" he asked excitedly. “I remember doing cocaine with you; I remember freaking out because you put ketchup on your cereal and that you were always happy." I said and he smiled remembering those moments as I said them." you guys in the corner, Faceless and Red head and Bored looking, come out into the light so I can see I if remember you." I said and everybody laughed at the names I gave them. “Well, tell me your names." I said. Faceless started, “I’m Slash." I tried to look at his face. “Pick up your hair. I want to see if that helps." I said. He lifted up his hair and you could see his face. “Nope, didn't help." I said. “We haven't done much together anyway so it doesn't matter." he said. “That’s what you look like!" Christie exclaimed as if it was the first time she has seen his face. We all laughed at her remark. The red head spoke, “I’m Rachel. You wouldn't know much about me either, we just met each other, like, last week or something." she said and I nodded. “Now, bored-looking dude. What is your name?" I asked. “I’m Izzy, also didn't know me that well. “He said and I remembered something. "Aren’t you the one I found with your head in the toilet?" I asked and everyone laughed as he nodded. I remembered something else, " and slash, aren't you the one I found in the chandelier?' I asked and he nodded. “So now that you remember most of us, I have a question." Duff said. “I’m sure you will know this one: how do you know me?" he said. He was right I knew this answer. “You are my older brother by two years."   I said and he looked relieved. "I'm going to go tell the doctor that you woke up and seem to remember most of us. I’ll be back."  Steven said doing his best Terminator impression and I laughed. “Guys, can I be with Michelle alone?" Axl asked and the rest of the people left the room. “How long was I out?" I asked him. “About 2 days going on 3." he said. “What day and time is it?" I asked and he looked at his watch. “It is Thursday the 2nd of February. It’s about 10 pm." he said.  I remembered something. "Your birthday is this Monday.”I said “we’ll worry about that later. Now get some sleep. “He said. I lay on my side in the hospital bed. "Axl, will you lay with me?" I asked. "It’s cold in this bed." I reasoned, he smiled and got in next to me wrapping his arms around my waist and I feel asleep.

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