chapter 28: i'm outta here

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A/N hey crazy people who are for some reason still reading this story. I’m thinking about ending this story soon so I can work on a Styx story. I have an idea for a way to end this, but I am not sure about it. If you guys have any ideas for how to end this, please, like, message me so I can know. If the story ends the way I have right at the moment, you all will hate me so, yeah. Just message me if you have any ideas

Izzy's point of view*

"Of course, I have to tell them." I whispered to myself. I had just walked out of the room that Hailey Michelle was in and I have to tell the boys that she and leaving. I finally reached where the rest of the guys were located. "Hey, what's up with Michelle letting you and Steven stay? Did she give you all a show?" Duff asked sort of pissed. "Yeah, I’m sure that's exactly what happened considering what happened with that Tommy Shaw dude. I mean, he's not even that good looking. He looks like a woman! I mean, what's up with that!!!" Axl said, still a little pissed, but he was cooling off. “see, you guys this is why I have to tell you all this." I said more to myself to them. "Wait, what Izzy? What do you have to tell us?" That Christie person said. "I was told to tell you that Michelle is leaving and probably not coming back. Oh, and she's taking Steven with her so we probably won't see him again for a while." I said calmly and duff's and Christie's mouth dropped open. "She's leaving without me?" "Without even telling me herself?" “What is up here?" "Why is she leaving?" Everyone fired questions at me. “Whoa dudes, I’m just the messenger, don't kill me. I mean my god. Look, she needs a little time by herself. Steven seems to understand her situation, so of course, she brought him with her." I said. "Where is she going?" slash asked. I hesitated; I wasn't supposed to tell them. You can lie, can you not? I thought. “I don't know." I lied smoothly. "Are you sure that she didn't even give you a clue." a freaking out Duff asked me. "Nope, not a clue." I said to the slightly scary duff. "Ok, well. We can't do anything about it so, let's just go home." Slash suggested and everyone agreed. Good luck kid. I thought to Michelle, hoping that somehow she would hear my thought.

*Michelle's Point of View*

"Let’s get the hell out of here Steven." I said hurried. He had just arrived at the Rainbow, where I told him to meet me, with some of my clothes and stuff. "Ok, I grabbed your car keys and your car, obviously, and I bought some things, a keyboard, guitar and a mic. Oh, and I also got some liquor." Steven said quickly. "Ok, wait, what? A keyboard? A microphone and a guitar?" I asked suspiciously. “I want to start a band with you. We can do you, me, Tommy Shaw, because he's awesome anyway, and if he says no, then we can ask Jani Lane." he said. “Wait, Jani lane? You mean from Warrant?" I asked. "Well, duh! No, the one from Bon Jovi.  Of course the one from warrant! “Steven half yelled at me.  "Ok, my God. Just shut up so we can start driving. “I said and Steven nodded and hoped into the seat next to me.  He turned on the radio and out blasted “Be good to yourself" by Journey.  Steven took this as the perfect time to show his' amazing' singing.  "Running out of self control, getting close to an overload.  Up against a no win situation. “He "sang" off -key.  I decided that I wanted to hear someone good sing, so I did;”Shoulder to shoulder, push and shove.  I'm hanging up my boxin gloves.  I ready for a long vacation.  Yeah. “I sang.  We waited a second, and then we both belted out the chorus. "Be good to yourself when, nobody else will.  Whoa oh, be good to yourself!" people in the cars next to us were looking at us weird, and that's when I realized.... The windows were rolled down.  They could hear everything we just sang.  I told Steven what I realized, and we quickly rolled up the windows.

"Are you sure we can afford this? " we were looking for an apartment and we may have found one,  but it's pretty expensive.  "Of course we can!  I'm a rock star.  i have tons of cash. " Stevie said whispering the last part in to my ear.  If the apartment owner guy heard that, he would bump up the price. "OK,  let's get it. When we start a band,  we can find an even better place. " Steven said and I nodded. The apartment had two bedrooms,  a living room,  a small kitchen and an extra room.  The extra room would be where we would store our instruments.  Steven had already called Izzy to tell him where we were so he could drag Steven's drum kit here. I paid the first month's rent and helped steven bring the stuff in.  When he grabbed my stuff at the mansion,  he got some of his stuff too.  I was surprised at how much he brought.  he had all my posters,  clothes,  books,  and other random stuff I own. I quickly put the stuff where i wanted it and ran to Steven's room.  He was sitting on the bed drumming on his bed post.  That was one of the things that I knew he, himself,  had to bring. .. His drumsticks.  It didn't matter it he had a drum set, he just needed the sticks for them.  I sat on his bed next to him and felt a big wave of relief hit me. "Dude,  we're finally home. " i said to Steven and he smiled.  "totally. "Steven agreed.

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