chapter 30: the father

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"Ms. Mckagan, we can assure you that the father is him.” The calm doctor tried to explain once again.  "But I haven't seen him in a year!  He can't be the one! " I protested. " have you been to a bar recently, or in taken a large amount of alcohol?" he asked and I scoffed.  "I'm a rock star, what do you think?” I said.  The line was silent for a moment, then he spoke; “ma’am from the information I have, the father is indeed Axl Rose.  It is most likely got drunk, and well you know the rest. “He said and I sighed.”Thank you doctor. ““Would you like to have an ultrasound scheduled?" "Yes please.” I said.  "OK, I transfer you over to the receptionist to schedule it.” "Yes, thank you.”

*7 months later*

"I finished painting the baby's room, babe." Tommy said.  Tommy didn't know the baby wasn't his. He thought it was completely and totally his. It was a dark, rainy day in Alabama.  Tommy and Rox had gotten married a couple months earlier, so Rox moved in with Tommy in Alabama, Tommy’s home state I think I’ll go for a drive." she said “watch out for the water.” Tommy said and Rox nodded and grabbed the keys.  She got into her DeLorean, which since she was pregnant she barely fit in, and started driving.  She went to the first place she could think of, Steven’s place. Steven was the only person that knew about the baby being Axl's. They both agreed that sooner or later, she were going tell Tommy whose kid it was.  Once she arrived at Steven's house, he had a house now that they were a band and because he wanted something more than just a little, old apartment, she walked in and practically passed out on the couch.  Steven must have been upstairs because, he didn’t notice her being there until later. When he did find her, he did what he always did when she came; he covered her with a blanket and placed her head in his lap and stroked her hair. That was the thing about Steven, he was very comforting. Rox loved Tommy to death, but they just couldn’t seem to be comfortable around each other. They always felt like they had to put on an act in front of each other. It was a relationship that was slightly on the cold side. So, when Rox needed love, or to talk about what to do about the baby, she just drove to Steven’s house. If this had occurred several years ago, then the one she would be seeing would be her childhood friend, Christie. They haven’t talked since she left the hospital so long ago. She hasn’t spoken to any of them since then actually. Nor has she seen them on TV. That was probably because her band was always on TV. Even though she was pregnant, she would still go out once a week and perform a concert at 11 o' clock at night till, like, 3 in the morning. She was a very committed person when it came to the band or concerts.

*the next month*

While staying at Steven’s house overnight one day, her water broke. They all rushed frantically to the hospital. When the baby finally came, they noticed something peculiar (at least it was peculiar to everyone but Steven and Rox), the baby had red-blonde hair. This is where the conversation starts.   "It's probably in her genes. She has red hair genes in her somewhere and that's why she (the baby) has red hair." Steven explained but Tommy didn't seem convinced. "Honey, I love you, but if you're hiding something from me, I want to know." he said. I hesitated," the baby is Axl's, not yours. I’m sorry. I don’t know when it happened. All I know is that I had to be drunk at the same bar as axl and boom! Instant baby." I said and Tommy started pacing around the room running his hands through his long blonde hair. “I’ll need some time to think this over. Maybe you should stay at Steven’s for a while." Tommy said in almost a whisper." babe, I’m sorry..." I started but he cut me off." did you come to me just because I was your second choice? You couldn’t have axl so you chose me instead? I can’t handle this. I can’t be with you... it's not good for me. Or you. I’m filling for divorce." he said quickly and ran out of the room. "NO! DON'T LEAVE ME! I NEED YOU! I LOVE YOU!" I yelled but it was too late. Tommy was already out the door of the building running for his car.

*Later that week* (you guys will hate me when you read this)

 There was an empty room. The room was a total mess. Clothes, needles, empty bottles, and just about everything you could think have was scattered around the room. In the center was a crib that held a crying baby in it. The baby wanted attention, food and a clean diaper, but probably wouldn't receive it. Her mother, who gave her the name Desdemona which means”Ill-fated", was in another room passed out.  Her life had fallen apart so fast. And it all started with a kiss. A kiss given to her by Tommy Shaw, who ended up committing suicide. Her boyfriend heard about the kiss, was pissed so she ran away. She started a band and then found out she was pregnant. She then found out who the father was. She told her husband, Tommy Shaw, and he left her. All she had left was a baby, a friend, and the needles. Her new hobby was getting high to numb the pain of her life. Whenever her friend saw her, he would be frightened at how much she changed since that one little kiss. She used to be sweet, beautiful, and innocent. Now she was cruel, ugly, and pitiful. Steven tended to be the one to take care of the baby, but he was on tour with the remaining members of the band she helped create. Now with her and Tommy gone, all that was left was a drummer and a bass player. Also know as a pretty pathetic band. The mother, when she wasn't high, a very rare occasion, would pick up a guitar and attempt to play it. But all that happened was pretty much a mirror image of what it sounded like when old Marty Mcfly in Back to the Future 2, a very bad sound came out of it. It was sad, sickening even. Her life had been thrown away.  And she had a plan. She called Steven while he was on tour. "Hey Stevie." she said in a croaky voice that would haunt your dreams if you heard it. "Yes Roxy?" he was sort of disappointed about her calling. Being around her made him depressed. "I have a way to solve all my problems." she said almost cheerfully. "You signed up for the class to help you with your addiction?" he asked hopefully. "Nope. Exactly the opposite.  I told the neighbors to watch des for u while you were on tour. Goodbye Steven. I love you and I thank you for all your help. Take good care of Des for me, ok?" she said and before he could ask what she meant she had swallowed the pills. 15 to be exact. 14 over the prescribed amount. "Goodbye world." she said softly into the floor. But Steven had heard it. The phone fell right next to her face. “NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!! ROXETTE WAKE UP!!!! MICHELLE!!!!! HAILEY!!!!!!!!" but she never answered. She was gone, and this time she wasn't going to come back. 

A/N you guys hate me right? I told you! I was trying so hard not to cry during this. So should I do an epilogue? I think I’ll do another chapter and then the epilogue. What do you guys think? Please don't hate me!

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