chapter 31: Axl's Girl

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A mop of unwashed, wet red hair was attached to a mess. Axl was a hysterical mess. He was sobbing, like he had been for 3 days straight. Right after Steven called the ambulance, he called him. Axl hasn't eaten anything. He's just been on the floor crying, holding a bottle of Jack Daniels and the promise ring. The one he gave her so long ago. She still wore it up until the day she died. The funeral was tomorrow and he wa supposed to sing " Sweet Child of Mine" for it, but he wasn't sure if he could or not. The times when he was most at peace were when it rained, because once they had run through the rain  together. When he walks in the rain, it's like he can feel her presence.  Like she is standing right next to him, laughing, smiling, and singing. It tears him to pieces. It is raining now, and he just came back in from walking in it, the phone rang; it was the nanny. Once Michelle/Hailey/Roxette died, he tracked down the baby and adopted her and changed her name to  Hailey. "Hello, Welcome to hell." Axl said bluntly into the phone. "Um, Mr. Rose, there's been an accident." she started but he interrupted; "If anything happened to Hailey, I will make sure you pay for being so irresponsible." he said sternly into the phone. The nanny started to weep; "I'm sorry Mr.Rose, I left her alone for one moment and then it happened." she said. "What happened?" he said frantically. "The carriage started rolling down hill..... and was hit by a car. She's dead. Hailey is dead." she said and he collapsed. He had heard that phrase 2 times more than he ever wanted to in his life. "Mr, Rose?" the nanny said weakly. " I've lost everything. Michelle, Hailey, my band practically hates me, and I'm freaking bipolar!" he yelled." I hate the world! Why did all this happen?!?!?!?!" he screamed and the nanny hung up. She was terrified.  He fell asleep on the floor right where he was laying.

*The funeral*

 It was a dark, stormy November day. it was time for Axl to sing at the funeral. he was going to try but he wasn't sure if he could do it. "Mr. Rose, will you please come up here and sing?" The preacher asked. axl stood up and walked towards the front. he grabbed the mic and started singing. "She's got eyes of the bluest skies, and if they thought of rain..." and that's when Axl broke. He couldn't do it. His best friend and his daughter are both dead.  He couldn't stand being in that church anymore. He had to get out of there. He walked outside into the cold November Rain. Images of her surrounded him. They followed him. He was losing it. He had to go back in. "......I guess that's the price she had to pay for being Axl's Girl." He overheard Steven say at the end of his speech. when the door closed they all turned around to face the soaking wet man. "It, was a  cruel way to end what would've been then perfect love story." Axl said and they all just looked at him."Amen." Izzy said.

A/N: ok, that's it. i think i'll do an epilogue first though, ok. tell what you guys think. when i killed off Michelle, i think i died too, so yeah. just tell me what you think about the epilogue idea and the ending to the story. please don't hate me.

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