chapter 16: the day before the concert

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A/N: I'm going to do the songs out of order so I know that My Michelle came out before November rain so get over it.

*skip to the day before the concert*

“Oh my gosh! The concert is tomorrow. I am totally freaked out. I need to practice. Come Axl we need to practice now!" I said quickly. He just smiled and nodded his head. "Come on guys lets practice with you. After we practice the songs me and Michelle are going to sing we will practice the new song." he said. I raised my eyebrow at him. He just smirked at me and that made my face soften. He is so beautiful. I love him. I thought. Here is the order of the songs we sang together: sweet child o' mine, rocket queen, November rain, used to love her, don't cry, patience, (we danced during that song!) welcome to the jungle and the rest of the concert was his. After we sang I had to leave the room. So the girls and I went to go see what I should wear tomorrow. As we were frantically looking through my closet full of band shirts and miniskirts, someone knocked on the door." who is it?" I yelled. "Your favorite person in the world." the voice responded. I knew who it was but I decided to mess with him. "Steve Perry?!?!?!?!" I said with fake hope. "What!?! No! It’s your boyfriend, Axl. Remember me?" he said. "Girls, we need to hide the clothes." I whispered. The girls nodded their heads while the put the outfit under the bed. "Come in Axl." I yelled even though the door was like 3 feet away from me."Sheesh, you don't have to yell." he said smiling at Me." and what are you so happy about mister?" I asked smiling back at him. "Well, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tonight." he said almost shy for once. "AWWWW!!!!!!" the girls said in unison. "Oh, shut up girls." I said over my shoulder. “Yes, I will go on a date with you. But where?" I asked. "Not gonna tell you. you will have to figure that out for yourself." he responded smirking." then how will I know what to wear." I said. "Just dress casual." he said. "Whatever you say." I said knowing what I was going to wear.

An hour later, I was teasing my hair. I was wearing a Bon Jovi shirt, with leather pants, platform heels and a jean jacket that was covered in pins. I looked in the mirror at my blonde teased hair and smiled. Most of the time my hair won’t curl, tease or even become wavy, so this was a big accomplishment. "Hey Rachel, thanks for the hair teasing tip." I said to her. "You’re welcome. It wasn't much of anything. You were just using the wrong type of hairspray and comb, that's all." she said as if it was nothing. "Well anyway, thank you." I said and she smiled.  I walked to the top of the staircase where I saw all the guys were sitting down on the couch but Axl. He was standing at the bottom of the staircase. He looked impressed. He was wearing a black jacket and black jeans without a shirt. As I walked down the stairs I was staring at him. When I reached the bottom he spoke. “You look beautiful tonight." he whispered sending shivers down my spine." I love the hair." he said."I love you." I said.  I heard a bunch of people saying aww. I turned around and saw the girls at the top of the stairs saying it. Axl turned around and saw the guys saying it. We then looked at each other and knew we both had the same thing to tell them." SHUT UP!!!!!" we yelled in unison. They then shut up and Duff walked up to us." remember. Break heart." he said pointing at me. “Break you." he said pointing at Axl, who was sitting there smiling." I won't Mr. Caveman, Sir." Axl said trying not to laugh. But he was unsuccessful and so was everyone else. Steven was laughing so much he rolled onto the floor and Slash almost choked on his cigarette. “Are you ready to go my lady?" Axl said in an accent." yes I am, Your Highness." I replied in the same British accent. We then linked arms and got in my DeLorean. The only reason we were taking it was because he wanted so much to drive it that it wasn't even funny.  He turned on the radio and a smile crept on his face. The song that came on was a song by Guns. It was “Used to Love Her." and I looked at him and started singing the lyrics." I used to love her, but I had to kill her. I used to love her but I had to kill her. I knew I’d miss her, so I had to keep her. She’s buried right in my back yard." I sang while pretending to play guitar. Axl saw what I was doing and laughed." guitar player, huh?" he said as I sang the next lyric. "Yes" I said still playing air guitar. “Maybe you could play guitar in the concert." he said and I stared at him. "No, no, no, no! I can play guitar but I suck at it."  I said. He chuckled. "I'm sure you’re better than me at playing guitar." he said. “You play?" I asked. “No, that's the point. And by the way, we're here." he said and I looked out the window. We were at the recording studio. I raised my eyebrow. "You’ll see." he said smirking. We walked in and went to a room in the back. "I was going to save this until tomorrow and show you but I couldn't wait.  Guys come in." he said and Duff, slash, Steven, Izzy, and the girls came in. the guys went to their spots at their instruments. I heard the opening chords and looked at Axl curiously. The song then started up and it got interesting. Suddenly the song changed to something completely different and axl stepped up to the mic."Your daddy works in porno now that mommy's not around. She used to love her heroin but now she's underground." he sang as I sat in amazement. He remembered the horrible details of my life and turned it into a song. A good one too. Awesome! He continued and I heard him call me Michelle in his song. Not just Michelle, HIS Michelle. I can't believe this he even included in the song about the time I did coke with Steven. I love Axl, I just love him I can't even believe this. I saw that while he was singing, he was swaying. I love it when he sways. I have a pretty accurate impression of his sway. I call it the "Axl Rose Sway". Oh my gosh, I just noticed; he is recording this. It is going to be a real song that I can listen to on the radio and on a cassette tape. I can’t believe it; this is just getting better by the second. Then the song ended and I realized that I was crying for no reason. Axl was smiling but then he turned and realized I was crying and his smile dropped to a frown. “see axl, I told you she wouldn't like it." Izzy said. “You didn't like it?" Axl asked." no, I LOVED it. That’s why I'm crying. No one has ever done something so nice for me. You even managed to fit my horrible life in a completely catchy song that I LOVE. Did I mention that I LOVED it?" I said emphasizing the "love” part. Axl's expression turned back to a smile then he turned and glared at Izzy."See, I told you she would love it. Not only did she love it she LOVED It." he said emphasizing the "love" part like I did. "Come on Michelle, let's go out to eat. The guys will go back to the mansion." he said and the guys left. We went and got in the DeLorean.

We arrived at a very fancy looking restaurant and walked inside. We got a booth towards the back of the restaurant. As I sat trying to figure out what I wanted to eat, axl touched my arm." I know we haven't known each other for a long time but I just have a feeling about you. I'm not trying to freak you out or anything. I just love you so much. It’s not what you think. It’s not a marriage proposal, but I want that to happen someday." he said holding a box with a beautiful diamond ring in it. ." it's a promise ring." he told me as I starred at the ring. I picked up the ring and examined it, in shock."Ok, Michelle. You are starting to scare me. Will you promise me that we will get married one day?" he said slightly scared. I was speechless, but I finally spoke a word." yes." I said in almost a whisper and he put the ring on my finger. Everything after that was a blur. I don't even remember what I ate. That was one of the best nights of my life.

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