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He is finally in his bed again after countless hours spent in the waiting room of the hospital in Dublin. He is so glad that his parents didn't ask any unnecessary or inappropriate questions when they picked him up from the hospital.

Harry can't decide what was worse . . . waiting for the results of the tests, or sitting next to a hospital bed watching Niall's pale and bruised face as well as his bloodless lips as his chest rises and falls with the assistance of artificial respiration.

He saw all of the wires plugged into Niall as they measure his blood pressure and oxygen rate. He saw the EKG machine monitoring his heart rate. He saw half of his face which is still beautiful hidden under a respiration tube. Various infusion lines were there to provide his unconscious body with fluid and painkillers and other medicine Harry can't remember.

The picture of Niall hooked to machines that he is relying on in the intensive care unit is seared in his heart. He was only allowed to stay ten minutes. Ten minutes that he made the most of not knowing when he will see him again.

His parents came to pick him up from the hospital and after one day back home he needs to go back to Cork tomorrow. It's now 11 days since he hasn't attended his courses and worked on his group assignments.

The DAA and his other professors were quite understanding when he requested some time off. However, he just doesn't want to take advantage of them being understanding and therefore he has to get back on track tomorrow.

On one hand, Harry is glad to leave. It's hard to stay in the house missing the giggles of his sister, their little bantering, or their cuddle times on the sofa while watching a new episode of Riverdale on Netflix.

Although he didn't come home on the weekends as much as before and applied for jobs in Cork during his breaks, he always went to see his sister once a month.

Everything here reminds him of her. On the other hand, he's dreading leaving fearing that he will lose his last connection with her.

Picking him up his parents even brought something to eat for Maura who decided to stay in a small B&B nearby the hospital in order to visit Niall as often as possible.

It was a moving moment when the little blonde woman and the brunette tall one hugged while crying in an effort to try and comfort one another. Friends that literally stick to each other through thick and thin.

He was so proud of his mum that she showed her good heart. His mom who has known Niall since he was a toddler is completely convinced that he would have never done anything reckless or careless to jeopardize Gemma's life. That's greatness not to blame someone, but to accept what fate has dealt them.

He admires his mother so much for being so strong and has the ability to spread love in these dark days.

Both Anne and Robin reassured Maura that it was okay for her to stay in Dublin as long as she needed in order to look after Niall. They offered to support Bobby during that time.

Harry was thankful for the calm atmosphere in his father's car on the way home. He sat in the back with his mum cuddled in her side with closed eyes.

It was nearly lunch time when they reached that little village near Mullingar. His father slowly pulled the car into the driveway to their house.

Anne softly shakes his shoulder in order to wake him up. The soothing strokes of Anne's hand and the continuous humming of the car has made him doze off in no time.

Harry climbed out of the car with tired and clumsy movements. He only wanted to sleep. He hoped that sleep would give him a much needed break.

After he took off his shoes in the hallway, he immediately made his way upstairs to the bathroom.

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